🎧Chapter 2🎧

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A week later...
*btw it's Wednesday also YOU DID NOT SLEEP UNTIL WEDNESDAY 🤣*

When I was watching my father's live stream. I didn't mind. My mother and I are just chilling. I was about to get up and soon I see the my father getting up with the camera.

I was about to leave until I see that his gaming room door was open. He walked out and I only knew what's he is doing. So my mother and I walked to where our father will be showing his family.

As soon as he face the camera at us he said.

Philza/Father: alright guys. I'll show you a new addiction to the family. We never told anyone about this person.

I see that my mother walked up to him. My father smile and looked back at the camera.

Philza/Father: you guys want to see who this person is? Mod can you put up a poll please?

My mother walked to the computer and see that the mod had the poll up. I see a lot of people going for 'YES THIS IS GOING TO BE POG' or 'NOPE' something like that.

Most people are going for yes. So I just looked at my father who just smile. I see him that he is ready.

Once the poll is finished it was a yes and I took a deep breathe. I exhale it and waited for my father to let me know when I should come in to the viewer.

Philza/Father: you guys really want to see who's this person is? Hmm okay you can come in!

I heard my father said. As I walk into the camera. I wave at the camera. I see the people are spamming like 'IS HE A SON OR SOMETHING?!' I smile a little.

Philza/Father: alright this is our son! Welcome y/n! He has a twitch so go and follow his twitch! Which is u/n. Don't worry he is not shy but camera shy.

After that people where saying 'aww I wish I was them.' Or 'excuse me what?!'

Kristin/Mother: we been actually giving you guys hints about u/n or y/n

We both nodded and smile to each other.

Kristin/Mother: like I said we broke the internet.

She giggle while my father chuckle. I laugh a little. I plan to go on live soon. After we did some a little q&a. He will be doing a raid for me. I go upstairs while my father is having a chat with his chat.

I got my things set up and log into my computer. After it said sign in I typed my password in.

It was loading and now go to get everything set up. After I done with they I typed my title for twitch which is.

Title: play Minecraft with my father Philza! 'Special Guest' come and check it out or you'll miss out on it.

After that I press live. I saw some people are viewing and my father raided me. I smile and saw my father peek in the room. He walked in and sat next to me.

Philza/Father: sooo what do you have plan?

You: uhhh I was thinking of doing some Minecraft but in a father and son server.

Philza/Father: sure- hold up I'm getting a call from a child.

I question myself on who he's talking to. All I heard was this.


Philza/Father: well I didn't told you- wait don't tell me it's trending.

Phliza's Son      {Ranboo x Male Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن