Lily's 3rd B-day Part 6

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*what James looks like he is most likely going to be a slytherin*

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*what James looks like he is most likely going to be a slytherin*

Anna:let's go go go!

Lily: yah this is going to be fun 

Harry:*smiles*alright my princess and my fairy let's go 

*Anna and Lily turn to each other*

Anna and Lily: YAY!!

Coco:*comes in* hi my angles 

drarry kids: Aunty coco!

Coco:*picks up lily and puts her on one shoulder then Anna on the other*

Harry: ok we are going to be late we need to get to the spot 

Coco:papa is already there 

Harry: ok let's go then 

*they are getting a park pavilion*

*at the park*

Harry:papa,we are here 

Remus:hello my lovelies 

Harry:hi papa 

Coco:hi papa 

*i am changing coco's age to 16*

  *this is what coco looks like*

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  *this is what coco looks like*

Remus:oh your dad will be here soon he just texted me 

*yes they have phones and insta too*


*when sirius got there*

Harry:Dad!*runs and hugs sirius like he didn't just see him last night*

Sirius:*hugs back*hi pup 

*after a while i am getting very lazy*

Mione: hey we're here 

Pansy:hey dray,harry,girls,boys,Sirius,professor lupin 


Anna and Lily: ROSIE

*the girls all hug 


Albus: sup 


*when everyone got there they had a good time they got lily some art stuff and some my little pony's 

*when everyone got there they had a good time they got lily some art stuff and some my little pony's 

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                                       The chosen one: throwback to first year at Hogwarts(tag:that one weasly) 

That one weasly: i remember that mione was chasing us (tag:bookworm Granger)

bookworm Granger: yah i remember you guys were trying to get us killed or worse expelled

That one weasly:"she really needs to sort out her priorities"

harrypotter'slover: ok why the hell are you guys on about   

The chosen one:love we are talking about first year and how mione needs to sort out her priorities

harrypotter'slover: oh ok she really does tho 

bookworm Granger: i am right here draco 

harrypotter'slover: i know 

nargles are real ask harry: so am i the only one how thinks mione is smarter than all of us combined

jamesthebest: ok someone plz tell me were my parents are  

The chosen one:right here bud

harrypotter'slover: here jay

i am deadly sirius: ok were is my pup 

The chosen one:right here dad i have stuff to do 

                                                                                          TO BE CONTINUED 


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