Drarry Future part 1

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Harry:*from the other room*Dray

Draco:yes love 

Harry:Ron called me and said that him and mione are going out for a while and i wanted to go 

Draco:ofc love 

Harry: ok well i am getting ready now 



Draco:what little man 

James:do you know where Lily is 

Draco:i think she is in her room 

James: ok thanks dad

*after a while*

Draco:i need to step outside a moment 

*outside the Malfoy manor his parents are in askaban  so him,harry and there kids live at Malfoy manner*

Draco:*calls mione,pansy,ron,blaze,luna,and ginny

Draco: ok so what am i going to do 

Ron:well me and mione are going to get him out of the house so you can set up 

Draco: ok where are you guys going 

Ron:a walk down memory lane 

Draco:what does that mean 

Mione: we are busting out the old time turner and we are going to relive some memories 

Draco: like Hogwarts 

Ron:well yes and no 

Draco: ok i'm confused  

Mione: we are going to first year and to see his past 

Draco:i would not go thru his past 


Draco:he doesn't talk about life with the bursleys much 

Ron: i don't think it is that bad 

Draco: alright don't say i didn't warn you 

Ron: thanks 

Draco: pans,blaze got anything 

Pansy: ok so what i did was i got all of mione's favorite things so what are harrys fav things

Draco:me,our kids,quituge,sirius and remus,.......COCO!

Ron: there you go 

Mione: not so loud plz 

Draco:sorry mione 

Mione: it's ok draco 

Draco:well now i have to call Sirius and Remus to call coco

Mione: alright 

ALL:bye Draco/dray(dray for pansy)

 Draco:*call Sirius and Remus*hey guys 

Sirius:hello draco what's up have you proposed yet 

Draco:no pansy gave me the idea that was brilliant idea

Remus:what is it then 

Draco:well i was wondering if i could talk to coco

Sirius: yah,

Coco:yes dray 

Draco:well today i am going to propose to your brother 

Coco:i know that 

Draco:well i need you to be there cause harry loves you more than anyone other than me and the kids so would you like to help me 

Coco:*eating grapes*sure can i bring my grapes 

Draco:*chuckles*yah sure

Coco:see you later dray 

Draco:see you later co 

Draco:now give me to your dads 

Coco: kk

Draco:thanks guys 

Sirius:we will be over later today 

Draco: kk

*dray goes back inside and sits on the couch*

Harry: ok i'm going to leave now

Draco: ok love 


*the kids come ruining down the stairs *

Kids: yes papa 

Harry: papa is going out for a while i will see you soon ok 

Anna: can Mione bring Rosie here 

Harry:i can ask 

Anna:thank you papa 

Harry:your welcome my lil fox 

*they have been practicing spells and Annas potronus is a fox ,James is a stag,and they don't know lily's yet cause she is 2 young still Albus is  also a stag*

                                                                           TO BE CONTINUED 

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