Drarry Future Part 4

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Harry:i'm home 

*everyone is still there ginny,luna,sirius,remus,coco,dray,lucius,narcissa,mione,ron,pans,blaze,and all over there friends from Hogwarts fred,and gorge*

Harry: ok 1 why is dray in a tux 2 why is everyone all dressed up 3 did someone die 4 why are you guys here

Draco: well here in a sec 3 of your questions and no,no one is dieing  

Harry:.....ok....get on with it then 

Draco: *deep breath* 

Draco: Harry, i love you more than anyone in the world and for the past 17 years i have been holding the world in my hands my life was nothing but you came along and made it everything from 2nd year to the war and beyond I've loved you scene the day we meat   i love you with all i am *gets on his knees and pulls out ring*

Harry:*happy tears*

Draco:Harry James Potter-Black will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and marry me  

Harry: YES!

Draco:*kisses harry*

Harry:*kisses back*


*the reason lucius isn't "woohooing"is because he doesn't want to loose his only son just yet*

Lucius:*starts clapping instead*

*harry and draco stop kissing*

Harry: you all new about this 

*they all nod*

Sirius:were your family pup even your friends are more of your family 2 

*petunia comes from behind*

Petunia: and just maybe i am here for you just as much as anyone here   

Harry:*turns around to see petunia and dudley*

Harry:hows it hanin big D 

Dudley:never better lil cus 

Iris:hello harry 

Harry:hi Iris *picks up the 3 year old*


Harry:*puts her on his shoulders*


Petunia:hello draco 

Vernon:*walks in*room for one more

Harry:the door is always open 

Harry:*whispers to dudley*is she here

*referring to aunt marge*

Dudley:*shakes head yes* *moths*sorry 

Draco:Harry where did lily go 


Lily:daddy,papa i fowened a weird thing in my closet *moves to revel a very familiar house elf*

All-the dursleys:*gasps in shook*

Harry: dobby!

Dobby: hello harry potter

Harry:*puts down iris and runs to him*

Dobby: was dobby gone that long harry potter

Harry:yes way to long 

Lucius: dobby? 

Dobby: you stay away from dobby,dobby is free elf 

*aunt marge walks thru the boor*

Aunt Marge: ok why the hell am i here 

Harry: ok you can leave cause i don't want to see your face ever again about what you said and you can't just apologize cause that hurt me more then Voldemort almost killing me

The dursleys and marge:who the hell is voledemort 

Harry: aaaaaannnnnddd..... you guys don't know who that is 

The dursleys and marge:no 

Harry: basically long story short he is a dark wizard that killed my parents and almost killed me like 5 years ago 

Petunia:oh harry i'm sorry 

Harry:its ok aunt petunia you didn't know 

Marge:about time 

Petunia and Vernon: ok get your ass out of here 


*marge leaves(thank fucking god btw also sorry about the swearing in the last couple parts)*

                                                                                  TO BE CONTINEUD

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