Drarry future Part 2

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Harry:*calls mione*hey mione are you and ron here yet 

Mione: no we forgot something so we are going to my house to get it 

Harry: ok well Anna misses Rose and Albus misses Alex so-

Mione: yah sure i will bring them over 

Harry:thanks Mione

Mione: np 

Harry:see you guys in a bit bye love you guys 

Mione and Ron:love you too harry

*ok before you guys kill me it is FRIEND love*

Harry:*hangs up*guess what guys

Lily:yes daddy!

Harry:* sees her cute face looks at draco*


Harry:*a little sad*

Harry:well Alex and Rose are coming soon 

Albus and Lily: YAY

*a little later*

*Lucius knocks on the boor*

Harry: c'mon in mione and ron 


Draco:*on the floor playing with Lily and Albus turned away from the door* 

Draco:*gets up* harry who is-


Lucius:hello draco

Harry: um ok then bye *goes to the room*

Lucius:*hugs draco*

*don't come for me i get it Lucius isn't nice but in my AU he learned his lesson and so did Narcissa well she was always nice i mean she let harry live so...but yah and harry left because he is scared of Lucius finding about him and draco*

Draco:*shocith but hugs back*

Harry:*walks out of the room slowly and sits on the floor with lily and plays with her little bolls with her*hey kids all of you come here

the kids-lily: ok

Harry:*holds up 2 dolls* see these 2 are sisters

Lucius:*lets go of dray and watches harry*

Harry:and they love each other right cause sisters always stick together 


Narcrissa:*walks in as he is saying this* *smiles and tiers up a little*

Lucius:*sorta smiles*

Harry:and even if i didn't have the best life growing up 

*the malfoys very confused*

Harry:and was not treated like everyone else in the world well at Hogwarts and was abused and basically a slave to my aunt and uncle  

Draco:*thinks*harry no 

Lucius:*thinks*the great harry potter was not treated right?my life is a lie

Narcissa:*thinks*poor boy 

Harry:and wasn't able to do anything and lived in a cupboard for the first 11 years of my life 

Draco:*under breath*no *smh* 

Lucius:*thinks* oml this boys life  

Narcissa:*thinks* where is child protective scerives at in this time 

Harry:and Hogwarts was my real home 

Draco:*thinks* it was wasn't it*smiles a little*

Harry:and i swear on my own life i will do everything in my power to keep you all safe*looks around at his kids then at dray*


Draco:*walks over and kneels down on his knees and put his head on harrys*


Lucius:*slight smile*

Narcissa:*on the outside just smiling on the inside is jumping up and down and dancing sinning drarry over and over*

Lucius:*clears throat*

Harry:*low key scared*

Harry: umm...hi 


Harry:thank the lord come in

Sirius,Remus and Coco:who misses their family 


*ok again don't come for me i just did that cause it is cute*:)

Sirius:hi pup

Coco:hi bro

Remus:hi pup

Harry:hi,and why are you guys here 

Sirius:well we came to meet with draco about something 

Harry:oh ok well-


Harry:come in

*ron and mione walk in*

Mione and Ron:you ready to go harry 

Harry:yep let's go 

Harry:see you later dray,kids love you guys 

Draco and the kids:bye love you too daddy/papa/puppy(puppy is what draco calls harry)(daddy is for Lily)(and papa is for the other 3)

Harry:come on 

*dtw the kids are all in there room with their friends*

*with them and the time turner*

Harry:now are you gonna tell me where we are going 

Mione and Ron:a walk down memory lane 

                                                          TO BE CONTINUED 

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