Mysterious Encounter

Start from the beginning

"If you don't know what's going... maybe it shows how close you are with your friend. How much do you really know about your friend?" I listened attentively and when I was about to skip another stone I stopped midst motion just realizing what this girl told me. She was right. What did I know about Sarah? I knew she was always the happy friend and that she was quite diligent which reflects on her grades. She told me and Tim she had strict parents and isn't allowed to have friends over and she is interested in Potions but that's about it. Realization hit me and I was completely shocked. My eyes widened and my mouth went a little agape because I thought we were best friends and that I knew her when in truth I didn't and I am pretty sure it was visable all over my face.

"Judging by your reaction you probably don't know much about her. Am I right?" The girl asked and I just shook my head without saying anything while I closed my mouth but my eyes were still widened. "But maybe that's the keypoint. Knowing that she asked you to protect her and asure her something is never going to happen again shows that she wants to trust you. Maybe she isn't in the position to trust you just yet or she isn't comfortable with you knowing much more of her until she ready to talk about it. But one thing's certain and that is that she needs your company and she wants to have you around her. Why else would she ask you of things like this?"

I turned my head towards her and asked "So what do you think I should do?" "Just be like you are normally around her since she asks you of these things she probably feels comfortable or even safe around you and that's because of the fact that she spent much time with who you really are. So just be yourself and probably she will eventually open up to you Y/n"

I started to smile a little and tried to skip a stone again but it sank in the water immediately because my focus changed to her last word. "How do you know my name? I never stated it in this conversation and I have never seen you"

"How do I know you? How could I not? You are really renowned you know?" She responded being visibly excited to meet me like I am a famous person. 'In what way am I renowned?' I quietly thought  to myself. "Ah by the way I want you ask you of something" "Go ahead. You helped me now it's my time for me to help you" I retorted happily. "Could you please keep that promise you made with her and look after her? It would mean a lot to me"

'Why does she want me to look after Sarah? I mean what does she get out of it? I am so confused but I think she just wants that I keep the promise so I don't fail Sarah. Wow I've never met this girl and she is such a nice person I should thank her alot' I wondered to myself. "Thank you for being so kind and helping me even though we've never met" I thanked her.

"Don't mention it. And one last thing could you just give this to her? I never could finish it until now. Please give it to her" She asked me and pulled out a small white box and it was wrapped up in a red gift bow.

'Why does she get Sarah a gift? She doesn't even know her. Either she is really generous or really insidious. Either way I will be there when Sarah opens it just to be sure it isn't a trap. However I just have this feeling I can trust this girl but It's not gonna change the fact that I should watch over her. But something's really of. Why in the hell does she even have this white box wrapped up as a gift with her? Does she always just wander around and gift presents to people who look sad and have problems or what?'  These thoughts wandered through my mind. "Alright give me the box I will give it to her" I accepted and took the white box.

"Thank you really much. You can't believe how much that means to me. You surely are a really great friend. Your friend can be very lucky to call her your friend" She explained, thanked and complimented me at the same time while closing her eyes and wearing a small resting smile on her face.

And with these she said to me all my doubt was gone. I don't know why but these words just changed my perspective on her. She had this confident reassurance that (C/n) gives me but also the excited, nice, kind and comfortable vibe that Sarah used to give me before the incident at the lake. I took another stone and saw how she also picked one up. I turned around and started to skip again.

I picked up another on and in the motion of skipping I asked her what I really badly wanted to know. "By the way who are y-" My sentence was cut off by a *thud* on the ground behind me. I turned around to see the stone the girl picked up on the ground but there was no sign of the girl whatsoever. She just magically vanished into thin air. "Who was she and where did she go?" I muttered to myself quietly.


Timeskip to evening p.o.v. (Y/n)

I was entering the Hufflepuff common room and immediately found who I was searching for. There was Sarah talking with Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones. I approached them and started to talking to Sarah. "Hey Girls. Sorry to interrupt but I promise it won't take long. Ehm Sarah a friend of mine wanted me to give you this gift" I said as I pulled out the white box this mysterious girl gave me.

"A gift? For me? From who?" She bombarded me with questions. "Well It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you that, would it?" "I guess that's true. Well say thank you to your friend for giving it to me" She stated with a nervous smile. "Well I should be heading to my dorm it's quite late afterall good night" I stated and started to head off to my dorm.

'I really would like to know what is inside the box but I shouldn't think about it too much. The girl seemed really nice she wouldn't hide anything bad in it' I thought to myself on my way to the boy dorms.

later in the girls dorms p.o.v. Sarah

"So Sarah open up the box I think you have an secret admirer" Hannah stated excitedly. "Yeah I wanna see what's inside" Susan added. "Alright alright I will open it" I said as I sat down on my bed while Hannah and Susan followed me onto my bed. I unraveled the red gift bow and opened the box only to find woven friendship bracelets in rainbow colors and with Sarah written in golden in the middle on it. I was utterly shocked to see this. My eyes were widened and my mouth was agape.

"Oh don't be so shocked Sarah. I know you probably expected something else and I know that's kinda lame as a gift but if it is woven by himself it's quite cute wouldn't you say, Susan?" Hannah asked Susan trying to soothe me. "Yeah I guess it's cute but I expected something better to be honest" Susan responded.  "Anyways we will make ourselves ready for bed we will come back in a few minutes" Hannah stated as she left our dorm with Susan.

I was alone in my dorm and with this gift. I was still in my previous state of widened eyes and open mouth. After a few minutes of just sitting there in this state I talked to myself quietly "This... this is impossible..."


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