I nod and smile enjoying the quiet moments with my wife before Autumn wakes up hungry and ready for the day. "I'll get her." I say standing up and go get her. "Hi princess. Merry Christmas." I say happily and pick her up. Autumn smiles and giggles holding onto me as I head downstairs. "Hi baby girl. Merry christmas." My wife says smiling and kisses her gently. Autumn smiles and giggles as I set her down in her high chair and get her her breakfast. My wife smiles and cleans up our plates from our breakfast as autumn eats her food happily. I smile and help her clean up then make my way into the livingroom and get the presents ready for all of us. "You enjoying your eggs baby?" I hear my wife say as I walk back in to see my daughter eating her eggs with a smile. "I can't wait for you to see what I got you for christmas. Also I can't wait for autumn to open her gifts." I say wrapping my arms around my wife's waist. "James you didn't have to get me anything. You got me enough stuff for our anniversary. Plus you and autumn are all I need." She says looking up at me. "I know but you deserve something too because you work so hard and are a great mother." I say holding her. "I love you." She says smiling and looks at me. "I love you too." I say back smiling and kiss her head then look over hearing autumn. "You done breakfast baby girl?" My wife asks smiling and cleans up her plate while I clean her face and move her messy hair out of her face. "Alright you guys ready to open presents?" I ask taking Autumn out of her high chair and set her on her feet holding her hand. "Yeah lets go." My wife says smiling. I nod and walk to the living room with both my wife and daughter. Once in the living room I let go of my daughters hand and walk over to the tree grabbing one of her presents which she gets excited and runs to me as I sit down and pull her onto my lap helping her open her gift. Autumn sits in my lap and helps me open it and giggles excitedly seeing a stuffed animal. I smile and look up at my wife who was sat on the couch watching us with a cup in her hands. Autumn and I open all of her gifts and then I set her in her playpen with all her toys and go to my wife with her gifts. "For you love." I say handing her her gifts. "Thank you." She says setting her cup on the coffee table and stands to grab mine. "For you." She says handing me my gifts. I smile and take them and open them sitting on the floor next to her. She smiles and opens her gifts and smiles at them. "I love you. Happy Christmas." She says smiling at me. "Happy Christmas." I say kissing her back gently then look over at our daughter who was playing with her toys happily. "Best christmas ever." My wife says watching her. "Agreed." I add smiling at her. She smiles back and wraps herself in the blanket and curls up on the couch laying down. I smile and sit onto the couch and lay her feet on my lap and rub them gently and turn on the tv letting a movie play. My wife lays on the couch and slowly starts to doze off and keep herself covered under the blankets. Autumn plays with her toys focusing on her stuffies and her books. "Dadda." She says holding up one of her book. I smile and gently stand up and grab her and the book and sit down on the couch and read to her. Autumn sit listening to me and holds my hands and grabs at the book. I smile and read to her as my wife sleeps tiredly on the couch and look over occasionally to see how she was doing.

Autumn lays against me and sucks her pacifier and listens to me read occasionally looking at the tree. I set the book down and pick her up and walk over to the tree letting her look at the lights. "You love looking at the lights princess?" I ask keeping her on my hip and let her look at them. Autumn looks at them fascinated trying to understand the concept of them. "Your just like your mother. Beautiful, smart, and strong." I say looking at her and kiss her cheek gently. Looking at my daughter is like looking at a younger version of my wife and I can't get enough of looking at her. She has her mother's straight auburn hair and has started picking up some of her little quirks such as scrunching up her nose when anyone kisses it to the way she stretches when she wakes up. Autumn leans her head on my shoulder and watches the lights on the tree. "You are for sure one hundred percent our child and I love every minute of you. Maybe if we are lucky you might get a brother or sister." I say kissing her head softly and hold her in my arms. "You keep wishing that Phelps." I hear my wife mutter tiredly from the couch. "I will." I say looking over my shoulder and see her awake and looking at me on the couch. "Of course you will." She says smiling and sits up then heads to the kitchen to heat up her coffee. "Well you heard that princess you might be getting a brother or a sister hopefully soon." I say smiling. "James don't get her hopes up. Also don't get your hopes up either." She calls from the kitchen. "Okay." I call back and look down at my daughter and see her sound asleep. I smile and go upstairs and put her down for her nap then come back down and into the living room and see my wife cleaning up from this morning. "Want some help?" I ask her. "Yes please." She says cleaning up. I smile and help her and make piles of what goes where. "This morning was fun." She says finishing cleaning up. "It was. Why don't you want me to get my hopes up about you potentially being pregnant?" I ask grabbing her waist. "I just.... It's just I don't know if I can get pregnant again. I mean I already had a miscarriage a few months ago and my doctor said I'm at a higher chance of not being able to get pregnant or that if I do get pregnant I could go into early labor or have another miscarriage. I just don't want to get anyone's hopes up. If it happens great. If not then oh well." She say sighing. "You will get pregnant again love and we will have another baby. I know it. What happened a few months ago was just an unfortunate mishap." I say kissing her forehead. "I know James. I'm just scared and I don't want to get my hopes up and have something happen again." She says looking up at me. "I know. Whatever happens I am with you always." I say leaning my forehead against hers and smile.

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