I shouldn't be creative with you.

Começar do início

"Fucking idiot" I said, "Niall get Liam, you guys are getting rid of another body today" I said. "She's out fella, maybe she did die" the guy said and looked out at her. She was laying still, I saw blood from both of her wrists. "You just made a mistake," I said.

I just pulled the trigger, shot him. Niall and Liam came back, "get him out" I said and nodded to the body.

I walked into the bathroom and I grabbed Amelia. I walked down the hall, "Ryan you need to get that deal sealed" I told him as I walked into his office. He looked at her. "What happened?" he asked me, "another mexican happened" I told him.

He got up, "I thought she was the safest here, maybe I was wrong" he told me. "I'll get Niall to drive her out of town," he said and walked back. "Niall is not taking her anywhere!" I said, Ryan looked over. "Why?" he asked me, "because he's going to end up killing her" I said, "Right" he nodded.

"Let me do it, where should I take her?" I asked him, "well until I have a deal with Rafael she can't be here, drive to a motel, stay there until I call you, don't let her get away" he told me.

I placed Amelia in the car, in the backseat so she could lay down. I drove out, took my sunglasses on and just drove out of town.

As I looked in the back mirror the road was clear, people outside also thought that she was dead so it didn't really surprise me that nobody was following us.

I remember driving for two hours, without breaks. I pulled up to a motel, I left the car and went to get us a room.

I walked back to the car, she was asleep. He really knocked her out back at the base. I grabbed her, walked to the room. I placed her on the bed, pulled the covers up.

I took off my jacket and took out my gun and placed it on the chair beside the bed. I took a seat on the bed and I looked at Amelia. She looked really peaceful.

Somehow I felt bad for all of this, I was only doing my work but I still felt like I could've been there to prevent anything bad to happen. 

Amelia Grace

My body was sore, my head hurt, my hands, mainly my wrists. But when I opened my eyes I wasn't in the bathroom, I was looking at a white ceiling, I turned my head to see it was not the same room.

Where was I? I got up, I stepped a few steps back and saw another body in the bed. It was Harry. What was going on? Where were we?

I opened the door to the bathroom, walked out and looked at myself in the mirror. I traced my fingers over my face. I was so pale, so tired. I washed my face, grabbed a towel and dried my face.

I heard a couple of knocks on the door, I walked over and opened the door. Harry was standing there, he walked passed me and I exited the room. I walked over to the bed and took a seat.

If I didn't have bruises and scars I would have thought it was all a bad dream. But they were there, my wrist looked horrible.

Harry walked out, he walked over and took a seat on the other side. I laid down, I've been in this clothes for days, I don't think Harry brought anything. Stay numb and carry on amelia, stay numb and carry on.

"Come on, we need to drive" I heard, I did not know where we were. I didn't know anything. "I'll wait by the car" he said and walked out, I got up and walked over to the door.

Don't worry darling H.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora