Comincia dall'inizio

"I should go," she mumbled, leaning away and the cold floor touching her feet due to only having thigh high socks on.

"Rose," he called back.


"I won't ever hurt you."


Rose was sat on her bed, reading a book when she started to hear shouting. It wasn't just any shouting either, it was a lot of crashing things and noises.

She slammed her book shut and huffed, pulling on some shorts real quick. She was trying to read peacefully in a big white T-shirt but she couldn't focus on her book when there was a bunch of shouting.

She still had her thigh high socks on, and she also had a blunt in her hand too. She wasn't going to stop smoking. So she put her blunt out, and crawled out of bed opening her door. The shouting got louder and she could guess that it was coming from Mr. Malfoys room.

Another crash hit the wall and Rose flinched harder than ever.

"You chose to cheat on me!" She heard him shout, and the anger that was in his voice made her want to calm him down. "I gave you everything."

"It was just a mistake Dra-."

"A mistake? How many times did you make a mistake Astoria?" He asked her, and Rose just stood out in hallway. She knew it was wrong to eavadrop but she did it anyways.

"It doesn't matter-."

Another vibration happened to the wall followed by a loud thump!, and she took that as a gesture that he was throwing things. She backed up to the wall, and when it flew open, she let a gasp emit her throat.

Astoria was shoved out of the room, and when she connected her eyes with Roses, anger flared in Astorias face. "You did this!" She shrieked, and Rose was immediately running back into her dorm, because she didn't know what Astoria wanted to do with her.

Rose shut the door with a hard thud, and scrambled back to her bed laying down and hoping that she wouldn't enter her dorm and try something else. What's worse is that she's still a teacher a here, and she has to go to divination class.

Rose pulled out her book, and layed back down on her stomach, with her lower legs slightly kicking in the air. She started to read the words, and a few minutes had passed.

Rose felt weird though. Ever since her kiss earlier today, she felt this throbbing in between her legs. She couldn't deny that when she looks at him she feels it every time.

I think I'm horny.

She had never been horny before. After what Flynn did her she stayed away from every boy, telling them to fuck off because she didn't want any interaction with a boy except Louis and August. So for this feeling to be in between her legs deep in her core, she wanted it to be fixed.

There was a knock at her door, and she mumbled a come in, not even bothering to look back. She figured it was one of her friends, so she didn't give it much thought that she was only wearing short shorts and a white T-shirt with high socks on. She also didn't have a bra on.

When the door opened, she released a breathe while she turned around. Mr. Malfoy stood in the doorway, his hand slipping off the handle staring at her. She had her hair down, and she didn't have any makeup on so she was all natural.

There it was again.

The throb in between her legs, would not go away. She wondered if she could touch herself and it would go away, but she had never done anything like that either. In conclusion,

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