Chapter Thirty-Six: Losing Grip

Start from the beginning

The scarlet fire continued to fill the sky until all of Gideon's pent-up magic was released from his damaged arm. Almost immediately afterwards, Gideon's vision blurred, his knees buckled, and he passed out.


The Hospital Wing's architectural ceiling was hardly a new view to Gideon, but it was a surprising one. When he sat up in one of the medical bay beds, it was a few moments before he remembered what had occurred. Scared of what might happen if he thought too much about it, Gideon calmed his mind and tried to compartmentalise the information.

It wasn't really necessary, though. One thing stood out in his memory, overriding everything else. It was the sight of the grey sky burning red with the light of his wand. It had been a magnificent sight, if not a frightening one.

Gideon couldn't believe that with Professor Voronov's help, he had been able to control the build-up of magic within him. When it had happened in the Student Lounge—and probably those other times—it had just burst out of him uncontrollably. His wand might have amplified the power but at least it had allowed him to direct the magic to a chosen spot.

Gideon felt a modicum of hope that if, or more likely when he lost control again, he might be able to prevent needless harm to those around him. Of course, he would have to act quicker next time, or he would end up in the hospital again.

Looking down, Gideon noticed that the sleeve of his right arm had been rolled to the top and the flushed red skin was covered in a grease-like coating. His delay in controlling the magic had clearly taken its toll on his body.

'Ah! You're awake!' Madam Longbottom remarked, entering the room with a small tray of bottles. 'Good. You need to take some potion. You were very lucky, young man. Whatever spell you were trying, it was obviously well beyond you! I shudder to think what could have happened if Professor Voronov hadn't been there.'

'Is the professor here?' Gideon asked.

'He'll be back soon,' the matron confirmed. 'I've already started treating your arm but there is internal damage, too. You also have a serious case of magic depletion, which will slow your healing. You'll be here for the night.'

'What time is it?'

'It's five PM,' she informed him.

'I was out for that long?' Gideon exclaimed.

'A good thing, too, or you would have had to deal with the pain. Maybe this will teach you not to attempt advanced magic at your age?'

'Err, sure,' said Gideon, realising that Professor Voronov hadn't been entirely truthful with the matron about the circumstances surrounding his injury.

'Here, drink this, and lie back down.'

Gideon complied. The potion didn't go down well. It had the smell of aloe and bubbled peculiarly as he swallowed it.

The matron folded out a part of the bed frame, which turned out to be an armrest and used it to elevate Gideon's damaged arm before applying copious amounts more of the greasy salve.

Twenty minutes—and what felt like five pounds of salve—later, Gideon saw Professor Voronov arrive from his propped-up position—with the headmistress. Gideon instinctively made to get up, but Madam Longbottom pushed him back down.

'Good evening, Gideon,' said Professor Dandridge with a kind smile.

The cogs of Gideon's mind were turning, which is why he failed to reply. He wondered if Professor Voronov had shared the full details of his latest magical mishap with her or if, like with the matron, he had skirted the truth.

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