»Haha, thanks, Lynxth. You're right. Uhm... If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna find the bathroom real quick«

As I watch her hurry off, I take my phone and decide to look up Eurovision. I find the official page, learn that it's really really big and that it has been going on since 1956. The winner last year was a Portuguese named Salvador Sobral which is why it's held in Lisbon this year.

I was looking at this year's artists, when a group of young men suddenly came into the room. I recognised them as Hungary's representatives. They sat down at the table next to mine and began to talk about their rehearsal. Then they said something too quietly for me to fully hear. Something about Sweden, beautiful and conversation.

I don't realise I've been listening in on their Hungarian conversation, until one of them says something in English.

»Hey there«

I look around confused, even though I know that I'm still the only other person here.

»Oh, me?«

I say calmly and smile a little. I lick the inner side of my canines. It's an old habit that I thought disappeared years ago. Guess I wasn't prepared for someone else to talk to me.

»Yep. You're from Sweden, right? Are you an associate of Ingrosso?«

The most blond in the group asks.

Ingrosso, Ingrosso. The name rings a bell, but I'm not sure who it is. Probably the Swedish representative.

»No. I'm here with my friend, whose father works with the swedish representative«


Is all he says. I look back down onto my phone and read the information about them. They're a band called AWS and the guy who asked me was the lead singer, Siklósi Örs. I look slightly up and see the man called Soma say in Hungarian to them: "if she was Benji's girl he would've probably introduced her by now"

Áron answers: "could also be she doesn't like the limelight. By the way who is on his team. She said her friends' dad"

I roll my eyes a little at them. I should probably reveal that I can understand them, before they say something about me or my associates, that they might come to regret.

»Who are you talking about?«

I ask in Hungarian and they all freeze.

»If you're wondering who my friends' father is, his name is Ludvig Byström«

They switch between giving each other looks and looking at me. I just stare at them, wondering where Fiona went, since it's been a good while. Is the toilet that far away? Is she okay?

Speaking of the sun, she suddenly walks in and struts over to me.

»Sorry, Lynxth! I met the Danish representative and I got caught up«

She doesn't seem to have noticed the tension between me and the Hungarian band next to us. Maybe she hasn't even noticed them.

»It's fine, I also found someone to talk with. Boys, this is my friend in question«

I make a move with my arm towards the band, and Fiona looks behind her. They all wave and she waves back.

»Yes, I am her friend«

She says and looks at us with a very confused look.

»They thought I was an affiliate with Ingrosso«

For a moment we're all silent. Fiona is still looking back and forth between me and AWS. It's clear they want to say something, and I think she realised something else happened before she came back.

I'm All Aboard! (Eurovision 2018 fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now