Introduction - Noah

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I stretched my arm to snooze my alarm. Rubbing my eyes softly I stared blankly at the ceiling thinking of the new life I have ahead. A loud yell made me go back to reality.

"Noah breakfast is ready " I hear my mom shouting from downstairs. 

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, then I got dressed up with a white shirt a pair of dark blue jeans and converse. I always dress simply being cautious of not drawing more attention than needed. Back at my old school I got bullied a lot, mostly by the jocks. I get it, I am shy and geek looking but still I never understood what I did for them to be so mean. Fitting in has never been my forte so I never really had a big friends group. 

When my dad told us he was being transferred and we had to move I felt in some way excited, happy to be able to start again somewhere else. I am hoping at this new school things change and I can have a normal life for once. Even if its Senior year starting over is possible.

After having my breakfast and saying goodbye to my mom I grabbed my car keys and started driving to school. Everything was the opposite now since my dad got transferred in his job, new town, new school and new people. I don't miss anything from the past, I didn't have anything to hold on to. Highschool was more like a nightmare to me, our neighborhood was boring and after my sister left to college I was alone.

As I entered the students parking lot I see a empty spot near a tree so I parked my car there.

When I entered the building I took a deep breath and said to myself
"You can do it, it's a fresh start". Talking to myself made me feel relieved in some way.

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