Black Butler season 3 opening

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So come on, try wholeheartedly indulging


A spiral staircase that leads to pleasure,

into the darkness

on a path that twists and turns.

You've taken out your sword, countless times

And the night bloomed in beauty with your

enemies blood

Come on, I'm going to make you

forget everything

No need for sly kisses

I just order you to obey me

The sounds that turn over the ornaments

with cold hands

Are faintly conveyed from the enamel

Inside the reeled in memories, to the

thinly transparent back of my mind

Not wanting to go back there, we stand here

bound to the inside of this cage

we're fine with just each other, for however

long, into madness

I'm going to make you forget, anything, and everything

No need for sly kisses, just your obedience that

says "Yes my lord."

Not wanting to go back there, we stand here, bound

we're fine with just each other, for

however long, into madness

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