Reestablished Love*

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"Leaving so soon?" I frowned. 

"Unfortunately yes. I have some more work to do with Harrison later and I've already stayed over my limit. I hope to see you again Y/n. We should grab lunch together soon. We need to catch up." She gave me a side hug. 

I smiled. "I'd like that." 

"Have a goodnight Y/n." 

"You too Z, thank you." 

As soon as Zendaya left, I was left alone with Tom and the empty feeling dwelling inside the room. I too would be leaving soon. I thought I would be ready to face him and tell him how I felt, but it would have to wait another day. Perhaps Z was right. Her forgiveness didn't come overnight and I doubt she forced it. I should just give it time. 

Taking my first step towards forgiveness, I leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. I felt some of the ache fade away, but there was still so much of it I couldn't possibly be so naive to think it would be easy. 

Once I got back home I kicked off my shoes and made my way to the kitchen. "Chris, baby, I'm home." Chris was at the stove cooking. His sweatpants were hanging low and his soft v-neck t-shirt was fitting him so nice. He looked so good. "Mmmm smells good in here."

"Hi honey, back so soon?" He put down the spoon he was stirring the food with. "I thought you'd take a little longer than that." 

I shook my head. "No, but I saw Z there, she was as nice as always." 

"Oh really? That's nice." He wiped his hands. "Dinner is almost ready, the kids are cleaning their rooms and Elias was playing with Adrian."

I smiled at him. Chris had picked up most of the work around the house while I was recovering. I couldn't help out with the kids too much, but Chris made sure they were taken care of. He would take them over his mothers or siblings houses when he had to leave for work. Then he would come home and make dinner for us. I wasn't able to stand or move properly with my broken ribs and collarbone, but as soon as I finished recovery I made sure to let him know how much I appreciated him. I made him breakfast and lunch and even bought him some books that I knew he was looking for. 

"I really love you." I blurted out. 

Chris gasped at the sudden outburst. He simply grinned a toothy smile. "I'm glad you feel that way doll." He turned the stove off and stalked over to me with the toothy grin still plastered on his face. "Because I really love you too." 

We leaned in to kiss each other, but were unfortunately cut off by the little feet running up to us. "Mommy! You're home!" Victoria ran up and hugged my leg. 

"Hi baby love." I bent down so that I was at eye level with her. I kissed her forehead. "Whatcha doin?"

Victoria held up her stuffed animal. "Playing with Mr. blushy." 

Chris was getting out plates so he could set the table. "Vic, did you clean your room like I asked?" He questioned. 

Victoria instantly answered back with a loud 'yes dad'. He smiled and thanked her. 

"Thank you baby love, now help me get your siblings cleaned up for dinner." With that she raced off to get Adrian and Ariana, while I would be left to get Elias. I took another glance at Chris before heading off. 

After dinner I bathed the kids and got them ready for bed while Chris cleaned up. I waited for when he was done to tuck the kids in. They liked when their dad was around too. One by one we tucked them in with soothing words. They were all good kids and liked to sleep for the most part. Victoria was the most hyper, but once you got her to sleep she was out. 

The Adventures of Mr. EvansOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant