The only difference was it was both time.

"You need to learn to stop treating your body like it owes you something."

Rose shot up in her desk, and it made the chair lift up on the floor scooting back ever so slightly making some students look at her. But she stuck her middle finger out, and tried to focus on something else besides that voice in her head.

It sounded so familiar-

"It's not going to fix anything, Rose. Just tell me who ra-."

Rose slammed her book on her desk, making the voice stop sharply in her head. She knew exactly who it was, and she had told him once that she didn't want him in her mind. She couldn't dare hear that word. Rape. She never wanted it to be said out loud in front of her.

She looked at Mr. Malfoy who was also looking at her, and when he raised his eyebrows at Rose she scolded him.

"It might be difficult for you to hear that word, Cullens. But you need to tell me who fucking did it, and stop getting high."

She shook her head at him, now knowing that he was the one who was speaking in her mind. He was looking directly in her eyes while doing it and he didn't even seem to care that she had asked him to not do such a thing, but she was taking his words in consideration.

Maybe if she told him he'd do something about it, and maybe she would finally be able to walk the hallways without being able to see him in the hallways.

"Rose, just tell me who it is. I refuse to look through your memories, I won't watch you get touched. Just. Tell. Me."

She couldn't.

She couldn't dare say his name out loud and she was to fearful that if she told a second time that Flynn would go after her again and that made arises face pale.

Because when she connected eyes with Flynn, it all came rushing back. All of it, at once. In class, and she couldn't contain the tears that were welled up in her eyes now.

"Stop! Flynn ple-." Rose was silenced when his wand was pressed to her mouth mumbling something to keep her quiet.

He was still shoving himself inside of her, and she wasn't aroused at all. The only wet substance that started to form was blood, and Rose was crying out in pain despite the fact that nobody could hear her.

"Please stop.." she whimpered.

When he released inside of her- oh god she thought it was over. She thought it was finally over until he kept going. "My cum will give you a bit of lubrication, since your pussy doesn't wanna cooperate." He took his hand and actually pinched her clit making her hurl out into sobs.

But nobody could hear her.

When the bell rang, Rose was snapped out of her thoughts.

But there were tears flowing down her face, and she was grabbing her throat, and scratching at her sides not caring about all of the students that were getting up and leaving.

And Mr. Malfoy caught sight of how she was.

"Fuck," he mumbled under his breathe.

He was getting up in his chair so fast, that Rose was shooting up from her seat too. She didn't know if Louis had left or not but she didn't want Mr. Malfoy to hurt her. She couldn't trust him; she barely knew him.

"You-." She gripped her arms and was now scratching at those, just wanting it to go away. "I told you!" She shouted at him. "I fucking told you not to enter my mind again! You brought everything that I had worked so hard to get rid of back!"

"You think getting high is going to fix anything?" He cautiously moved closer to her-and she didn't move back. "You think that getting drunk and using drugs is an escape to what somebody had done to you?!" He was shouting at her back.

Another tear escaped her eye, and she was scratching her skin so hard that she was drawing blood. She couldn't stop- it was getting hard to breathe.

Rose felt like she was living the whole moment over again.

"Stop it, Rose." He demanded.

And oddly- she listened.

Her scratching stopped, and she was looking around the room, noticing that it was just them two in the room. She noticed how he called her by her name, and she liked the way he said it.

"The way I cope is none of your goddamn buisness," she spat towards him, and his eyes flickered with some emotion that she couldn't read. "It takes away that pain- takes away the flashbacks. But you-." She inhaled sharply and raised her voice. "You just brought it all back to me!"

"If you'd tell me who the fuck it is," he seethed, taking another step closer to her. "Then you wouldn't have to see him in these hallways. I've tried so hard to find out who it wa-."

He stopped himself abruptly, knowing that he just revealed that he was looking for who did this to her. "I don't need you to look out for me! For fucks sake, I'm fine! I'm dealing with it on my own and I have friends who are there for me-."

"Friends who make out with you?" He sneered and she was jolting her head up, her eyebrows snapped together. Her hair had fallen out of the messy bun, and she didn't know where her hair tie was at but she didn't care.

Her curls fell effortlessly around her face, so elegantly and Mr. Malfoy was completely drawn to them. "What me and Louis have, is nothing. We're best friends, who sometimes need to make out. Want to make out- why am I even telling you this? You shouldn't have barged into my dorm!" She shouted at him.

"You told me my girlfriend was cheating on me. I was coming to thank you, but clearly you were busy." He snarled and she was narrowing her eyebrows into slits.

He slowly took a step forward, now about 2 feet away from her and she was slowly noticing that he was getting closer. "Don't act like you weren't about to shove your dick in places that other men's mouth had been on." Her tone was laced with venom. "If I hadn't told you that, you would probably still be fucking her. So you don't get to judge me on who I kiss, because I can bet your body count isn't on one hand."

He was drawing closer to her, and when he was now standing right in front of her, his breathe hitched in her face. She wanted to know what those lips tasted like, and she wanted to feel them on her own but he was her headmaster- she didn't think it was right.

But maybe she didn't care.

"You don't know anything about me," he whispered in a harsh tone, and when he was leaning down on her lips she didn't stop him.

She knew he wanted her touch, and she was scared she would freak out like she did last time. Physical touch was hardly in her dictionary anymore when it came to other people, she only touched her friends.

So she leaned up halfway, his tall figure towering over her small petite body and when his breathe was fanning on her lips she almost gasped.

"Tell me I can kiss you," he mumbled. "Give me permission to kiss you, Rose, and I will. I'll kiss you like you've never been kissed before."

Her heart felt a weird tingling sensation when he said that. Almost as if she got butterflies but she would never admit that to him. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy. Kiss me."

He didn't hesitate to connect their lips.

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