Meeting SuperM

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(Y/n) rushed out of bed before greeting her members, "good morning, I need to leave in about an hour" he said the boys nodded. after eating she went to get dressed, In a simple black shirt and Adidas leggings.


She arrived at SM Just in time to greet the others. I knock on the door to the meeting. I waited until I heard a "come in" from the other side. I walked in and introduced myself, "hello my name is (Y/n), I'm a member of Straykids" Beakhyun smiled brightly "(Y/n)!! How are you, has JYP taken care of you!" And yelled. Kai shook his head disappointed. "I'm fine Beakhyun, they are taking good care of me I promise" I said "good" Kai said. I nodded and looked at the others and they introduced themselves, "hello, I'm Taemin, from Shinee", I looked shy but no one noticed. "I'm mark", "taeyong", hello! I'm lucus!!", hi I'm ten." "Nice to meet you all" I said softly.

While we where talking my phone rang. "Kunkun🥰" it said. I looked up and said "I need to take this" and I stepped out of the room before answering. During the call I spoke in Chinese.

kun: hi how are you(Y/n): I'm good, how are you.Kun: I'm good, I miss you bunches.(Y/n): I miss you too, my I go, love, I have work to finish, I love you.Kun: sure hope ahead love, I love you too. Bye bye.(Y/n): Bye Kunkun.

After the call I walked back into the room I sat down and waited for a minute before talking again.

After we all spoke for some time my manager came to get and said, "you have prepare for Idol producer, in China, With Jackson" I nodded in said good by before going home. The members of Straykids kept asking questions which I answered and then I went to bed.

𝔸 𝕊𝕂𝕐 𝔽𝕌𝕃𝕃 𝕆𝔽 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 (Straykids 9th member)-Extended HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now