Chapter 4- what are your intentions

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how I feel but something about you excites me. You make me feel alive esme."

"Get this through your thick skull Marcus, I don't do relationships and I never will. I Will not give myself a weakness."

"So what your saying is that I'm your weakness to that small heart of yours."

"For god sakes Marcus I'm a fucking psychopath. How could have you any feelings for me. I'm the mafia princess, the so called "devils daughter", the butterfly of death. I'm not capable of falling in love or being loved. I'm sorry Marcus but I don't wanna ruin the friendship that we have."

"It's fine, it was stupid anyways. I should go."

He gets up and leaves.


She punches her mirror and starts to tear up.

"How could I fucking do this to myself, oh my god- Wait could I have feelings for him? Oh hell no tío would kill me."

"You know what fuck it."

She goes to his room.

"What are-."

She immediately kisses him.

"You what your right Marcus, Maybe i am capable of liking someone."

"Is that someone me?"


He immediately kisses her back.

"I'll take that as a yes, oh my god are you okay your hand is bleeding." Marcus says

"I'm fine."

"No your not, let me wrap that up for you."

He takes some gauze and wraps it up.


"No problem, so...... what are we."

"I don't know that's up to you."

He starts leaning in closer to her. Picking up her chin with his finger and giving her soft kiss.

"I think I have a small idea."

"What idea would that be, mr Lopez?"

He grabs her hand and whispers in her ear.

"Will you be my girlfriend, ms. Santos?"

"Of course."

They both start to kiss again but Marcus's roommate shabnam comes in.

"Yo Marcus i-"

He immediately sees Esmeralda and his eyes wide open.

"Your gonna wanna get the fuck out, before I fucking kill your ass." Esmeralda says

"Y-yes ma'am" he says nervously.

He leaves and Esmeralda starts to burst out laughing. Marcus looks at her if she was crazy.

"Not cool, you scared the shit out of him. You need to stop bullying people esme. I'm serious I don't like bullies."

"You call that bullying? I was joking, There's three things that people don't do to me Marcus, one underestimate me, two get on my bad side and three try to change who the hell I am. If you don't like who I am then good for you cause I never asked for your opinion. I'm not some nice washed up blond bitch, I'm Esmeralda Stella santos, and if that's that's not good enough for you then go fuck yourself."

She immediately storms out of his room and goes to her room and goes to sleep pissed off.

"l swear this girl is gonna be the death of me." Marcus says.

"Can I come in now?" Shabnam says while coming in.

"Yeah, come in she's gone. Hey um Listen I'm sorry for her acting crazy. She's just like that, don't worry she's not gonna kill you. At least i don't think so."

"It's fine, why is she here anyways?"

"None of your business."

"Alright I get it. No need to get so defensive with me, goodnight night."


They both go to sleep. Esmeralda goes to her and calls her uncle.

"Hola tío."

"Hola Mija cómo estás"

"I'm doing good, i was wondering if i can come home for a while."

"What happened this time?"

"Nothing, I wanna come home for a few days if that's alright with you."

"Yeah definitely, I'll have your cousin pick you up tomorrow."

"Gracias. Buenas noches."

"Take care Mija I'll see you tomorrow."

she hangs up then goes to sleep.

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