He held up a crossbow and shot Kai in his right shoulder, the little wooden stake went right threw him. He loosened his grip on Jo and Ric stabbed him in the neck with some medicine then pulled the tiny wooden stick out of his shoulder. I could smell the stench of blood that soaked up in his shirt.

I groaned as I leaned down to him and flipped him over on his back. I pulled his shirt down enough to see the wound that was already healed.

"What the hell did you give him?" I asked.

"A mixture of vampire blood and some medicine that'll keep him knocked out for a while."

"How long are you going to keep him out for?" I asked grabbing his unconcious arm and slung it over my shoulder.

"Until his magic drains."

"Cant I take it? Some of mine from the other day has already drained, I can help you guys with any upcoming spells or any protection that is going to be needed."

"You'll have to ask Damon about that one." He said starting to walking away. I quickly stood up while dragging an unconscious Malachai over half my body.

"You know I'm not that dangerous." I blurted, he stopped and looked back at me, his grip still strong on Jo.

"Ask Damon." He said again, I groaned and followed them until we say Damon and Elena. They had just stood up and I could smell blood that lingered in their clothes and on their hands. I grimaced at the smell, Damon looked at me and tended to stare.

"What's your deal?"

"That smell. You guys some how go crazy for that while I'm trying not to faint." I mumbled.

"You mean blood?" He spat the word out with humor.

"Yes." I said back with acid in my voice, I started to slouch from feeling Kais weight on my body.

"So your saying, if I cut my hand and make you smell my blood, youd pass out?"

"I never essentially said that but yeah, probably. Blood isnt my strong suit." He smiled and brought his hand up to his mouth, my eyes widened and I leaned back a tad as he walked up to me.

"Can you not?" I spat.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Something I'll probably regret." Elena giggled at my response. Damon sunk his teeth into his hand slowly while staring at me, I shook my head as a warning and it made him smile as he brought his hand down from his face.

I could smell the blood, I dropped Kai and stepped back a tad and Damon practically swung his hand to my face to annoy me. I quickly brought my fist up and easily punched him in the face, his hand healed I felt better.

I had slightly turned his head through my punch, Ric laughed once loudly as Elena chuckled.

"I guess that's what I'll do." I said stiffening up to face him. Damon looked at me and smiled and reached up to touch his cheek bone.

"God. You have a sick hook." He grinned picking Kai up. "Let's go." He decided.

"Your not making me leave?"

"Your stuck with us now." He called back to me as we walked to the boiler room of the school.


When we got back to the big mansion we had loaded up into cars and headed off to their college campus at Whitmore.

They told me all about there current situation. The girl Caroline I met earlier, her mother Liz, the sheriff, had cancer. Her and Stefan, Damon's brother, were going to go find a cure or at least talk to one of the most experienced doctors ever.

They told me about Bonnie, who she was and what happened to her. They told me about how when Damon and Bonnie were sent away Elena erased all her memories of ever loving Damon.

Their lives are insane, and they seemed to trust me enough to share it.

The rest of the night was quite boring. I slept on one of the two couches Damon had in his apartment while Kai was drugged up an knocked out on the other.

The next morning was dull aswell until Damon got a call to go to the hospital for a cancer patient, he insisted that I was to come with.

Apparently there was this man named Collin who was given vampire blood on his death bed. The blood sped up his cancer and killed him in the process.

"So why does all of this matter?" I asked after Jo was done explaining. Then Caroline and her mom walked in.

"Because Caroline gave me her blood last night. So the same thing is going to happen to me." Her moms voice sounded so forgiving, like even if she knew she was going to die, she didnt want to hurt Caroline.

"I have an idea.." Jo said.

A few hours later she had explained to all of us that a full transfusion of human blood should out do the vampire blood.

"Technically speaking this should work, this might stabilize her condition."

"Please. Sound less confident, doc." Damon grumbled watching Liz outside her hospital window.

"Look, we are in unknown territory here. This isnt just a medical problem Damon, it's a magical one."

"So then your uniquely qualified." He smiled at her.

"Now you believe my magic. Gee thanks." She said hysterically. "Unfortunately, this goes beyond every witch ability I've ever heard of. But please, if you have a better plan... I'm all ears." That made me start to think.

If its magical, cant I just siphon it up? I mean I took down the boarder spell that was around Mystic Falls, maybe if they do the transfusion and I siphon it away, she'll live.

"I have an idea." I said standing up from my chair behind them standing at the window. The both turned to me. "What if we still do the transfusion, and I siphon off the blood? I mean its magical, right? If I can take down the boarder spell, why cant I do this?"

"By yourself?" Jo asked, sounding concerned.

"Are you forgetting I'm not the only siphon you know?"

"Well I didnt think youd want to do it with Kai, and I don't think you can do it by yourself."

"Well I'd much rather be doing this with my mother but seeing as her and the rest of my dumb coven want me dead - or at least gone - I'm gonna need to do it with your crazy brother. If you are ok with waking him, Damon. I mean I could probably siphon the blood off myself, if your not ok with it."

"No, let's try the transfusionfirst before we even start thinking about you siphoning the blood away." He decided finally, then walked away.

"Just when I was thinking he was starting to like me..." I mumbled humorously.

"Yeah well hes pretty protective of her, he'll come around though. You should go with him, itll be about another hour or two until I'll know if it works." I nodded and walked after him.

I didnt know what to do with myself.

I was sure that me siphoning off the spell would work, one hundred percent.

But Damon didnt want to test it yet and I wouldnt force him into it.

And Kai. God I didnt know where me and him were now. He almost kissed me and I didn't do anything to stop it like I should've. I let him get so close to me I could feel his breath on my face.

I let him so close to me that I didn't want him to leave.

And that scared the hell out of me, and he made me feel that way.

He made me feel like I was floating and falling at the same time, and I just wanted to stay on my feet.

The things he does to me. Hes probably totally aware of them too, even if I dont even fully understand myself.

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