Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

I scoffed. "Yeah, well, it's about to get worse."

His brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Are you serious? Jesse, you chose to get drunk off your ass while your best fucking friends were at the hospital, hoping that Scar was going to be okay. Everyone was there but YOU. And now, on top of that, you let people destroy our shit," I spotted our lamp that stood in the corner, nearly bent in half. "Unbelievable."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Stop talking so loud. Can we do this later? I'm not in the mood for a fight right now."

"No, we're doing this now because you're acting like an idiot. What's gotten into you lately?"

Jesse shot his head up at my words. "Don't start talking bullshit like that. You know how much the first win of the season meant to the team, and we all deserved to celebrate that. I was just trying to help make the night not become a total downer."

"Your friends would have liked to celebrate too, but are they even your friends if you put a party above them? The other guys have places to stay, right? Any one of them could have had it there instead of here."

"Vee, stop," He shook his head. "Grant Hollister and the others weren't going to let me say no without pulling some stupid shit on the field if I did. They're relentless, and the seniors on the team. It'd be hell if I just told them to fuck off. I want to stay on their good side."

I crossed my arms. "Doing that was like a big ass "fuck you" to everyone else. Can't you see that you just showed to the only real ones in your life that your image was more important than them...the ones you should have been there for without another thought?" My heart pounded against my chest. "Ryder and Nix needed you, and where were you? Getting wasted with some assholes on the team that could give two shits about anything that doesn't involve them. It doesn't surprise me that the conceited Grant Hollister and his buddies wouldn't bat an eye at someone in need, but you? I can't even look at you right now without wanting to pull my hair out. It's pathetic that you won't even admit or understand what you did was wrong."

"That isn't true. I wanted to be there for them, but the others have connections that could take me to the big leagues if I stay on their good sides. I'm thinking about my future...our future. Besides, Scar is fine now, right? It wasn't that big of a deal?"

My mouth fell open at his words. "What the fuck, Jesse. Are you hearing yourself speak? I swear to God you drowned any sliver of empathy away in alcohol last night."

He rolled his eyes, leaning back into the couch in agitation. "I didn't mean it like that. It must have been scary for her, Ryder, and Nix, but she was able to leave rather soon, so it must be better than everyone thought."

A short laugh came out of me. "Yeah, she only had a seizure that could have done horrible damage to her brain and walked out with the news that she could have them for the rest of her life, but big deal," My words were laced with sarcasm, glaring at him before I stormed into the kitchen.

He stood up and followed me. "What does all that mean?"

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, looking back at him. "She has epilepsy."

"Oh, don't they have medicine for that or something?"

My brows knitted together. "Yes, but it's not guaranteed that it will actually help all the time, Jesse. It's still serious and something that affects not only her but Ryder and Nix. If you saw them last night, you would realize how messed up not being there really was. They're hurt by it, and honestly, I am too. It was like a stab to the back and the heart," He was about to open his dumb mouth when I started to talk again. "I know you have always had that dream of making it to the majors, but you have to think if that dream means more than the family of friends your lucky to be in. Is the game or being on certain people's good sides more important than us?"

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