Apparation problems

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Sophie was shaken abruptly to faces of Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, wide smiles spread out upon them both as they pulled her out of bed by the hem of her jumper.

"Happy birthday!" They both shouted together waking her completely from her dopey state. "How does it feel to be of age!" Ginny asked rather excitedly.

"I wouldn't know," she laughed. "I've only just woken up, go asked Harry." And with a smile she threw herself back under the covers only rolling her eyes when she heard a very loud 'pop' sound from behind her. "Urgh."

"Not a way to treat your boyfriend, especially when he's here to give you a birthday kiss." Fred chortled crawling into the bed and plastering her face in kisses.

"Ew ew ew" Ginny complained getting up and making a break for the door. "Come on Hermione let's go wish Harry a happy birthday."

Hermione nodded before following the youngest Weasley out of the room and closing the door quietly behind her. Fred submerged from under the quilts pulling them off of Sophie as well before clambering up to his feet again.

"So what do you wanna do first?" He asked raising his eyebrows with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Not whatever your thinking," she warned pointing a finger before climbing out of bed herself.

Fred wrapped his arms round her waist his smirk replacing itself with a heart warming smile. He rubbed circles absentmindedly on her hips and leaned in closer, immediately Sophie stepped up on her tiptoes colliding her lips with his own.

They hadn't had much time alone since fifth year, when the twins left in a bang, quite literally. They were always busy figuring out order things or school stuff, from Sophie's side. But now she wasn't returning, she could spend time with him but then it hit her.

It hit her that they were actually in the middle of a war, heck it was just starting. Voldemort was on the rise again and he was after the child who had escaped him all those years ago, he was after Harry and Sophie, well who knew if she was in trouble or not.

Pulling apart slowly Fred rested his forehead on hers as they looked at each other for minutes before parting completely. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too" she replied with a smile.

"As nice as that was" a voice called from the doorway. Fred and Sophie turned, startled they both let out a sigh of relief as they saw Remus stood there, leaning on the door frame a smirk on his face. "I would like to wish my god daughter a happy birthday."

"Yes professor, I mean Remus" Fred shuttered, placing one last kiss on her head before walking out the door.

"You two are really good for each other" he smiled making his way over to her. He sat back on her bed and patted the space beside himself, she smiled back at him before sitting down leaning her head on his shoulder. "Happy birthday Sophie, I have a present for you."

She shifted a little in her seat, lifting her head up she looked at him and watched as he pulled a small velvet case from his jacket pocket. "It's not much, given the times" he handed over the box and watched as she opened it slowly.

The box opened to reveal the smallest of rings. A silver rim with a small stone in the middle, the shape of a crescent moon shimmering a sapphire blue.

"It holds a warning charm" he whispered taking the ring from the box. "To whoever the wearer is" he slipped it on her finger, "if you are ever in trouble it will vibrate" he pointed to a golden rimmed plain ring he was wearing himself. "And it will send me a sign whenever you are in need of help, and vice versa."

crashing down // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now