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'What mattered what Mason thought anyway'
'It really wasn't the truth'
'Was it?'
'No of course not!'
'But what if he's right? What if I don't listen to my friends?'
'Stop feeling sorry for yourself'
'You can't make everyone have a good opinion on you, that's not the way the world works'
'But I don't deserve this'
'Do you not?'

Sophie's thoughts were shaken abruptly when she heard her name yelled through the wind once more, this time it wasn't a threat or a scream it was a cry for help, a worry.

"Sophie!" She recognised that voice, it was Remus. "Sophie where are you!"

Picking up her feet and running as quickly as she could she jolted through the trees hitting the branches out of her way as she ran, she wasn't far from the Burrow.


For merlins sake why did people worry about her so much, she was running as fast as she could through the trees. She didn't mean to stay as long as she did, she knew people would be looking for her but it had only crossed her mind when she was on her way back.

"I'm here!" She yelled through the trees. Brushing the branches aside she had finally appeared in the opening of the greens around the Burrow, all that was left now was to get through the long grass.

"Sophie?" Another voice question from behind her. Fred and George had just apparated in. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Fred fussed looking the girl who was fighting for air; her chest rising up and down. "Where've you been?"

"It- doesnt- matter" she panted.

"It really" but he cut himself off. Shaking his head he threw his work jacket over his shoulder and picked her up bridal style walking beside George towards his childhood home.

"Sophie!" Sirius yelled once catching view of the trio. "Remus shes here!" He stalked over to the three and pointed a warning finger at the girl "where the-"

"Language!" Sophie cute him off.

"Never mind bloody language!" Remus snapped coming into view. "Where have you been all morning?"

"Out" she shrugged jumping from Fred's arms and running a hand over her leggings.

"No I don't think so" Sirius interrupted. "You tell us right now where the bloody hell you have been all this time."

"Look I appreciate the concern but I'm not a child," she huffed stepping through the crowd and making her way back towards the house before a firm hand wrapped around her wrist. She was pulled back swiftly, attempting to hide her wince she looked Remus dead in the eye.

"Where have you been," he said. "I won't ask again."

"Out," she retorted. "I won't answer again."

"Sophie you may be all moody and uptight about not returning to Hogwarts, or not being able to save Harry but you will not take it out on Remus when he is trying to help, when we're all worrying about you." Sirius snapped stepping forward with his arms crossed.

"Look it's not like your my dad or anything," she said yanking her hand back and subconsciously rubbing at the red marks Mason had left. "I am fine, I was fine, I just went for a walk okay?"

"I'm aware I'm not your father Sophie but that does not mean we are not allowed to worry about you, do you know what's going on out in the world right now!" He barked. "There are snatchers everywhere and with all do respect the full moon is coming up and-

"Save it." Sophie yelled pointing a finger. "For Merlins sake Sirius I am fine! I'm not some little child who needs saving every single day I can look after myself, I was just trying to do something special for us all okay that's it!" And with that she turned onto her heel and marched straight through the damp grass and into the burrow, ignoring the feet she could hear following from behind.

crashing down // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now