"yeah that rule is stupid" I say and my brother gives me a look. "What?" I shrug.

"Besides JJ you're the one always hitting on her" John b looks back to JJ.

"Dude, of course I'm hitting on her. She's a super-hot, rich, hippie chick slumming with us" says JJ convincingly, but as he then looks back at me, he seems like he regrets what he just said.

The words hurt me a little. I'm just the kind of person who thinks too much. Someone who is quickly hurt. And JJ and I are not a couple or anything. But he had promised me to be better than he was then. And somehow I always think there's something special between me and him. Which, apparently, is not the case. Which is also good, cause I have a boyfriend, but I don't know, my feelings are playin' with me sometimes.

"I know that door's locked cause I've tried it." JJ continues. "Have you?"

"You need help" John b determines. "Not like a little bit of help, you need a lot of help. It's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're like "Uhhh!"" moans John b.

"I mean what, it's not a big deal" JJ says as I storm through them. „also, not every girl. Haven't hooked up with your sister yet" he corrects himself.

Right, what did he just say? I mean that's a lie, but although..

"yeah and you won't! I see the looks you give her." mumbles John b. "She has a huge crush on you, so leave it" he whispers, but I heard it.

"I don't have a crush on JJ." I say

JJ winks at me."Sure you don't"

"This is it" says John b, standing in front of a door.

"Housekeeping" says JJ in a high pitched voice as he knocks on the door. I can't help but laugh.

"Should we try it?" asks John b.

"Yeah dude go ahead" I say.

"No power. No security cameras. No one's gonna know" says JJ as he unlocks the door.

We come in and... don't see anything special at first.

"Check the bag, JJ. See if there's a name on there somewhere" says John b and searches a bag himself.

"No name on the jacket. It's a nice jacket though" says JJ.

"Definitely over 50, he's got New Balances" mumbles John b.

"Yo dude come here" JJ looks at a map on the table. "Maybe this is where they were fishing"

"Let me see" says John b leaning over the table. "Nah that's off the continental shelf. That's a big swell, nobody fishes there" he keeps looking around

"Okay" mumbles JJ.

"Coffee?" Says John b in a mock British accent.

"Yeah. Standard. Tissues for when you get lonely" JJ continues the accent while I look around the bathroom.

JJ joins me."Ooh" he lights up on a small bag.

"Did you find anything?" Asks John b.

I look at my brother. "Don't get your hopes up"

"A really awesome Dopp Kit you won't let me steal" JJ continues.

"Yeah cause we're not stealing shit"

"I saw that" I look up to JJ, pointing at his pants pocket where he just put something. He holds his finger in front of my mouth and lets out a soft "shhhh".

JJ always tries to provoke me. And he knows exactly how. Plus, he loves to do that.
He knows I'm more of a shy girl, so I don't really say much when someone flirts with me or anything, I just get into a loss for words and blush. And JJ loves to do that to me. Which I kind of hate him for, but I don't want him to stop doing it either somehow.

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now