[proposal times]

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This just made aren laugh harder,,shaking his head in protest,, his nose softly scrunching up, glasses sliding up his face as he did so. He took the remote from the smaller boys' hand and placed it on the side his arms returning to the smaller's waist. "One. I can only be dangerous when you are sad and you need hugs and two. You're a dork, shortie"

"I'm your dork"

"You're my dork" he returned, booping the tip of shun's nose. "Now come on, get ya shoes on I wanna take you somewhere".

~Time skip~

The place, aren was taking shun was only a 10 minute walk at most maybe 15 if you see a cute animal on the way and decide to pet it[that happens more often then you think]

There hands were almost glued together as they walked Kaidou gently swinging their arms back and forth as he took in the scenery,, it was a lazy August afternoon, the soft sun was beating down on their smiling faces. It glinted off aren's glasses as he tried to find the perfect spot.

"Why do you keep looking around?" Shun asked as he walked along one of the metal pathing sections that slipt the pavement from the grass,, his hand firmly clasped into aren's so he wouldnt fall.

Aren didn't reply he was still searching,, they were at the park, there are several places that could be considered romantic,, but this had to be the perfect spot.

He then saw it,, a band stand,, it was freshly painted and had strings of vines and flowers weaving up on the supports,, it was the place where they had their first kiss if aren could remember correctly,, it was a few months after they met,, and they were messing around eating gummy worms and jelly pots,, the soft sound of music playing as they asked eachother random questions, one of them was: 'have you ever been kissed?' the answer was they both hadnt,, well until that day.


An excited smile spread over kuboyasu's face,, and he took kaidou's hand and dragged it up the small hill a 'you'll see' playing on his lips,,

Kaidou raised an eyebrow;; confused yet intrigued. "It better not be a prank" he then groaned.

"Course not,sugar" aren let out a wide reassuring smile,, it spreading over his face,, he rested his arms on the side of the band stand looking out into the horizon...

He took a breath,, he was more preparing himself about what he was going to say than enjoying the scenery.. The sun gently highlighted his features,, 

'shit he is handsome' Kaidou thought he saw how aren was fiddling with his hands. Shun walked over to join him.

Taking one of aren's larger hands in his own, shun rested his head against his boyfriend's arm."whatcha thinking about?" Shun asked quietly,,his eyes looking into the distance along with kuboyasu's..

Kuboyasu played with his hands when he had something on his mind.

This time he only had one thing that was playing on his mind and that was the proposal. What shun would say. He was thinking about how beautiful shun looked in the summer light,, but he always looked beautiful,, like he belonged on the front cover of some sort of fashion magazine that teruhashi used to show them in class;; he was slowly stirred from his thoughts by his hand,, his fingers wrapped over the top of kaidou's giving them a squeeze, his lips found the top of his head.

"You." aren smiled softly as his lips came up from his curls.

"What about me are you thinking about?" Kaidou replied.

"How much I'm in love with you"

"And how much is that?"shun smirked teasingly, and he jokingly poked aren's shoulder.

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