She's Gone

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*May 22, 2015*

"Momaaa! Moma!" I jumped out my bed and ran to Moma room. She wasn't there and her bed wasn't made up. That was unusual. "Mommmmaaaaaa.!" I yelled through the house. I ran downstairs and that's when I saw it. I saw a stretcher. I saw a body bag. I saw family from all over. I saw tears in everybody's eyes.

"Have y'all seen my moma? She wasn't in her room. And why all y'all here and didn't wake me up?" Nobody answered so I shrugged my shoulders. Even though I didn't smell food I said " Maybe Moma cooking breakfast. She know she aint supposed to be moving around so much." I laughed as I started walking toward the kitchen.

"Tink, she not in there. Come sit down", Auntie Jay instructed. Auntie Jay was Moma oldest sister. The eldest of 3, I cared for. "Don't tell me my moma gone. I don't wanna hear it." I said feeling a lump in my throat.

"Tink, Auntie Nicole passed away," my favorite cousin Deandre mumbled through tears.

My momma took Deandre in for a couple of his adolescent years. Apparently, he was too out of control for Aunt Keisha. I looked up to see his tear stained face and I knew it was real.

"She called mom and told her that God was calling her. Something about she couldn't hold on any longer. Camry, if you need anything, I mean, anything, call me or Moma. Everything thing is gonna be o ... "

I cut my cousin Deona off in mid-sentence. I knew what she was about to say. The same thing everybody says when someone loses a loved one.

"SHUT UP.! DON'T SAY EVERYTHING GONE BE OKAY. BECAUSE IT'S NOT. My Moma was the only person that loved me more than life. The only person that got on my last nerve and still got what she wanted. Spoiled the hell outta Deandre, me and my kids even when she didn't have it. Now, what am I supposed to do? Start planning her funeral right? Just go. Get out."

Deandre got up and stormed out of the house. I knew his feelings were just as broken as mine. I wanted to go after him but my feet wouldn't move. I was stuck in a trance like my life was moving in slow motion. I didn't wanna be alone, but I didn't want people telling me "it's gonna be okay". I wanted somebody to pour water on me and tell me it was all a dream.
Majority of the family started vacating but Auntie Jay and her daughters Deona and Anisha stayed. As well as my Auntie Keisha and Auntie Christy. My Uncle Dalvin left as he set up the arrangements for Moms body to go to the hospital morgue.

"Camry, we want Deona and Anisha to live with you." My aunt Keisha suggested.

"And I want you outta my momma house. But that don't seem to be happening." I said cold-hearted as ever.

"Jay, talk to your niece. Maybe you can put some sense in her head. Cus she's so damn hateful.", my aunt Keisha said.

Aunt Keisha and Aunt Christy grabbed their belongings and started walking out. They both stopped and looked at my Moma picture on the wall and started crying all over again. That made Auntie Jay, Deona and Anisha cry. But me, I couldn't cry.

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