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This is so wrong, Justin hurt me and he's keeping me here. It's not about a duet, its about love now. He won't let me leave even if I do love him, because he is trying to make me love him on purpose. I push him off a bit but he resists. "Justin." I murmur on his lips. "Stop." I say. He stops, his eyes saying or asking for forgiveness. "Look, Justin today a lot of things have been going on," I begin. "If you want me to love you, then you need to go slow, but I doubt it." I look at him. "Yeah, I'm sorry, Ari." The way his lips move when he says my name. Goddamn it Ari stop! My subconscious scolds me. What if me and him are having sex? How would he moan my name? Goddamn stop!!!!! My subconscious scrunches her nose at me, and shakes her head. "It's fine." I sigh. "Okay, bye Ariana." He smiles and heads out of my room. What is going on with me? I rub my eyes, and decide it is a good idea to go sleep.
I wake up with my covers on the floor, I'm currently really cold. I look up and on the room's small love seat Justin is laying there. I smile and shake my head. "Justin." I say really loud. He gets up quicker than a dog at the sound of the bell. He falls. I burst laughing in my bed. "I'm up!" He says. He gets up from the floor. "Good morning." He smiles.


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