<play song>

"Y-Y/n" tears fell down the side of his face and you crawled to your knees to see him. Once you looked over his body you noticed he was bleeding, fast

"You've been shot"

"I'll be fine"

"This isn't going to end well" he breathed out

"Spencer you're going to be okay" you spit out trying to stop the bleeding with your hands

"No I'm not" he whispered

You quickly turned your head to look at him "Yes you are, you are not leaving me" you choked out and tried to hold pressure on the wound

"You're getting your ring bloody" he still tried to joke around

"I'll get it cleaned" You stifled a laugh, it gave you hope

"I'm pretty sure he hit a major artery near my heart and he also hit my liver" he began to ramble "No liver no Spencer" he choked out a broken laugh

"No stop it" you gasped

"Remember I'm a genius and I know things" he attempted to hold his hand out to you "I'm going to bleed out in minutes" he frowned and tears fell from his eyes

"You are not going to die" you reached over and rested your palms against his face, kissing him

"I love you Y/n" he smiled

"I love you too" your tears mixed with his "Stop saying stupid corny things, we are not finished, we just got started"

"In the short time we have been married you have made me feel things that I never thought I could feel" he swallowed the lump in his throat and struggled to keep his eyes open, his breathing was shallow "Every day I am so proud to be your husband"

"When I agreed to till death do us part I meant when we were old and wrinkly" you wiped away the tears from his eyes but realized you had wiped his own blood on his face "I never meant for it to happen in less than a month"

"You have been the greatest love of my life" he reached up and held on to your wrists, his eyes were half-lidded "I love you so fucking much Y/n"

"Spencer please" your voice cracked and your body shivered

"Thank you" he smiled, he smiled through the pain "Thank you for being my wife"

"Spencer I love you so much and you aren't going anywhere" you reached down and kissed him again, prolonging the kiss as much as you could "We have a baby waiting for us" you whispered "They are waiting for their new mom and dad to sign some papers and pick them up"

He smiled and squeezed your wrists as hard as he could, your palms still rested against his face "I love you"

The grip on your wrist loosened and his eyes wouldn't open again "Spencer?" you whispered

"Spencer" you shook his head a bit, you pressed your head against his chest and didn't feel anything "Don't leave me please"

"Why aren't you breathing?" you yelled out and buried your head into his chest, forgetting about the bullet in your shoulder "Why aren't you breathing!" you screamed

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