Chapter Two - Oh, Serena.

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The next morning  I came out for breakfast. I started plating up my food. Most of the fan except Serena was already up and eating.

"Is Serena up yet, we were talking till late?"  Rufus wondered

"I think I heard her." Eric replied "What's that?"

"Money your mother left us for emergencies. Not to boast but we haven't used a penny of it all summer." We made our way over to the table and sat next to Dan

"Oh, well thank heaven for salaried servants and an account at the beach club, right?" Jenny and Eric followed us over.

"Oh well I'm glad i have that number for city Harvest. This all a little much." Rufus sat dow with us.

"A little much? It makes four seasons look like one season." Dan commented

"Mom, wanted everyone to feel welcome while she was away." Serena spoke coming out.

"Or she's trying to bribe us." I snorted in amusement

"What? No. In fact she got us a special treat for us tomorrow. A table in our name at the Vanderbilt annual charity polo match in Greenwich. Lily thought it would be fun. So we're gonna have fun for Lily. Please show your family support by mimicking my expression." I gave a bright toothy smile.

"You know there'll be photographers. You gonna be okay? Might create another mob scene." Dan wondered

"Oh, no, yeah. I'll be fine. I'll be really sorry about yesterday. I though after the whole arrest scandal. The whole out of sight out of mind. I had no idea it would be worse when I got back." Eat Rose so you don't land yourself or anyone else into a deep pile of dodo

"You've apologise enough. Now that those vultures have a shot of your return. Hopefully they'll leave you alone. Not like you're gonna get arrested again."

"No, of course not. Rose we have to go meet Blair to go shopping. You can't go to a polo match without a hat." I got up and kissed Dan's cheek before going to get my purse.

"I'm gonna walk you out." Dan stated following us.

"Thank you for the escort, But I think we can walk 25 feet without hurting ourselves." Serena commented as I checked i had everything

"There was nothing out of sight, out of mind about your trip. I know what happened." he told her

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Serena, there was no ashram." Dan clarified

"I went to an ashram, on a tour. Dan I appreciate your concern, but the little white lies I tell my family are none of your business." I pushed the button, calling the elevator.

"Rufus is my family. You didn't just lie to him, you lied to me and you convinced my girlfriend to do it as well. Need I remind you of how we ended."

"Leave me out of it." I say

"All those e-mails about the benefits of Birkram? Ten easy steps to colon cleanse?" he questioned

"Turns out Goop is good for something." Serena replied trying to avoid the situation and failing because Dan was not one to let things go.

"What is really going on here?"

"Nothing. Nothing. It was just a few night's of harmless fun." she lied. I shake my head wishing this elevator would hurry up.

"Alright." Dan took out his phone and showed her a picture

"Where did you get that?"

"They're all over the internet. Whatever is going on you can tell me." there was a familiar ding. I breathed a sigh of relief and went in. Serena joined me.

"Whatever is going on with you, I hope you figured it out." I tell her "Because I know this path, it never ends well."

"What path is that."

"Attention." I replied and she gave me the innocent face "Oh please the way you've been going it's only a cry for attention. You just better hope the person you're trying to reach, actually wants to listen."


"Wait, you do what?! We go away for three months and you turn from Jane Austen to Anais Nin?" Serena exclaimed after Blair had informed us of what she and Chuck had been up to. The games they were playing

"Is there anything my brother can't get you to do?" I wonder

"It was my idea." Blair insisted

"No it wasn't." S and I denied.

"Yeah, we..we had our honeymoon period, and it was perfect. But while other couples settle, we were determined to keep things interesting. So Chuck plays the cheating bastard and I played the scorned woman. I even get to choose who to humiliate. Models, tourist, upper west siders."

"Blair, I don't know if anybody told you this but they honeymoon is supposed to end. The real part is when you settle down. The three month milestone." Serena protested

"It's not a milestone. It's a gravestone." Blair retorted "Settling down means death. Less sex, more silence."

"Meh, neither for some people. But I can hear it can happen." they pulled disgusted looks

"If you love him, then lock him down. Open relationships only invite chaos. Trust me I know." Serena implored

"It's not an open relationship. We're completely monogamous. It's just one of our games like the rest." Blair insisted

"Yeah, until it's not anymore. Playing the scorned woman and being the scorned woman is a slippery slope. B, college is about to start. What happens when you don't get there in time and he actually kisses someone else or worse." I try to get through to her.

"He wouldn't." we heard camera shutters

"Ugh, I still have no idea why they're following me." I rolled my eyes as Serena sigh

"Oh, please, spare me S. I get every addition of hello and OK! there is. I know what you did this summer and who. Cristiano Ranaldo. I hope you got your shots before you traveled. Should we be worried."

"No, No. I just had a great time I just wish they would leave me alone." Serena was full of bulshit even to Blair. Me I don't piticularly give a crap but other people, that's just low.

"Oh is that why you got your hair blown out." Blair chuckled and we continued on. Serna left us and it was just the two of us.

"So dare I ask how it was spending the whole summer with your adoptive brother and your boyfriends family." she wondered

"It was a little awkward at first. You know with the whole swimming pool and nightlife but I stuck to stylish one pieces and things like that. It wasn't horrible."

"I saw that video of you, very impressive."

"Thank you. Dan thought so too, in the guest house. How does that song go again. Oh yeah. It's get hot in here so take off all your clothes." she looked ill once a said that, but it was funny alone just for her reaction "Hmm us teens are very creative and sneaky when we want something. Are you and my brother coming to the polo match tomorrow? I would see him today but I'm heading to Brooklyn to see the new changes. Then i have other things to do."

"We should be. I know that in the midst of everything this summer he has missed you."

"So have I, but as we're getting older we're not spending so much on each other. It is a little weird

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