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Merediths POV:

I woke up somewhere unfamiliar. I heard a soothing voice. It was McDreamy. "Where am I?" I asked. I also asked him what happened to Paul. Apparently, he was detained after the beer bottle incident. Derek asked me why I didn't tell him and I told him that I was scared. Which I still was because he could come back and murder me for all I know. I told him that I had trust issues and that was why I could not date anyone yet. He said that he understood and would wait for me as long as I wanted him to. I knew that this was different from how I first supposedly loved Paul. I knew that Derek wouldn't hurt me.

Derek's POV:

As I talked to Meredith about her crappy life it made me rethink how fortunate I was. Sure Addison was not a good idea, but she would never hit me as Paul hit Meredith. I looked at Meredith and I saw her beautiful eyes as well as her beautiful locks of blonde hair. Meredith had told me that she was scared and so I told her that I would be there for her no matter what.

Paul's POV:

I knew that I hit Meredith badly. And although she might not have deserved it I thought it would change her way of talking. But I saw how she looked at Derek. Her eyes were locked into his as they locked, Meredith never looked at me like that or anyone else before, and I had been stalking her since the second grade. Everyone knew that they were perfect for each other and that they were soulmates but it looked like they would never understand that.

Merediths POV;

Derek was there for me every single day for each day I was recovering right after school he would get my mocha with exactly three spoons of sugar and a splash of milk. He was the perfect guy. He looked awesome treated me amazingly, he was talented, and he had a charming personality. I knew I was falling for him.

Derek's POV:

I knew that I was falling for Meredith, more and more as the days went by. One day I couldn't handle it anymore. It had been four months since the incident and she was getting discharged. We had talked about our relationships, and how they both were terrible. One day I couldn't take it anymore. I kissed Meredith on her forehead, and she kissed me back. 

Delilah Grey ShepherdWhere stories live. Discover now