chapter 4

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Y/n just stared at Suna and the little girl as if they had a head growing out from their side. She looked back and forth between the two, questioning how they knew each other.

It was as if Suna could read her mind, he said, "We're siblings."

"I was just thinking of that." y/n said, still looking back and forth between the two. Y/n stopped to look at the girl as she faced Suna and was pulling on his shirt.

"Rin, Rin! She's the one who let me get this ring. Isn't it so pretty!" the little girl exclaimed, standing star struck as she held her hand out to show her new ring.

Suna looked at her hand, admiring it, though he wasn't going to admit it so easily. "That's ugly." he joked, wearing a small smile on his face.

"No it's not! Look, me and her have the same one. You can't say it's ugly, stupid!" the girl said, beginning to hit her older brother at his side.

"I'm joking, i'm joking. It's pretty." Suna said to his little sister, smiling at her. He then looked up at y/n, looking down at her hand. "Can I see the ring on your hand?"

"Sure." and y/n pulled her hand out from her pocket and held it out for Suna to look at. He took her hand in his, playing with the ring.

"It looks pretty on you, y/n." Suna muttered, barely audibly for y/n but she still hear it.

"Thank you."

"Is your name y/n? I LOVE YOUR NAME! My name is Sara. Wait, Rin, weren't you tal-"

"So what are you doing here?" asked Suna as he placed a hand on his sisters mouth to stop her from talking.

"Uh, I'm just looking around to see if there's anything I want." replied y/n, questioning what Sara was about to say.

"Well, we're going to go to the food court. Wanna come with us?" asked Suna, grabbing his sisters hand in his own.

"Yeah! Come eat with us!" yelled Sara, excitement showing on her face.

"Sure, if it's all right with you guys." smiled y/n as the siblings as she started to walk with them.

As they arrived at the food court, they walked around to pick up the food they wanted. Y/n picked up f/f and f/d as Suna and his sister both got a juice and some sushi.

They found a table and started eating, talking about random stuff, such as school and sports. Y/n learned that Sara doesn't really like to play sports, but she liked to paint and draw.

After they ate, they had started to leave the mall. Sara and y/n were talking the most, talking about many random things but it was an enjoyable time.

"I'll be heading out this way. I'll see you at school on Monday. Suna." said y/n, then bending down to be at the same height as Sara. "I hope to see you soon too."

Y/n stood up, patting Sara's head, and smiling at the girl.

Just before y/n was going to leave, Sara was whispering something to Suna, but she couldn't hear their conversation. "Suna, ask for her number. I want to spend more time with her, and I know you do too."

Suna coughed, and looked at y/n, asking her, "Can I get your number? So like, you and Sara could meet up again, and talk to me of course." a smirk forming on his face at the last part.

Y/n smiled to him, saying sure, and they exchanged numbers.

The three had departed now, Sara yelling out goodbyes to y/n as Suna just waved and took Sara's hand.

Both teens went home feeling happy from the day they spent with each other.

WE MET IN THE RAIN ⤖ R. SUNAWhere stories live. Discover now