" Is the temperature is too hot for you I will adjust the fire" joohyun said lisa is not fond of too hot just right heat she can endure but to joohyun the temperature is just right.

" No need joojoo it's ok, lets finish eating first then I want us to cuddle and talk" lisa said and joohyun nod she put her palm on her cheek and forehead to see is she have fever but she's normal so joohyun believe her about it.


The house have a loud chatters, the oldies having there drink with the manoban couple, auntie miran, mrs lee, jinhyuk and other older on security group with food and drink they are just normal people hanging out no master or helper just pure friendship.

The other side the girls have there own, light mix of alcohol that jennie mix, not for jisoo cause she avoid alcohol for her to get pregnant, mina joy, nayeon, jieun momo, and other helper of the house is with them to, chatting about love life is common topic and teasing each other.

Seulgi also separate there selves to them though  they are girls too but they can't relate to the topic so they also having drink and chaeyoung, jongyeon daHyun moonbyul and of course kwangsoo is silently just listening to them cause his missing her friend, lisa to be exact and her soon other half.

" Where you going for honeymoon seul?" Chaeyoung asked they are in circles drinking heavy alcoholic beverages.

" I will bring her to Paris, then thailand we will be gone for two weeks" seulgi said they already talked about it and jisoo love it.

" And then we will be back to seoul after I will just fix things then we will reside here in the farm" seulgi said she love it here she will work remotely then go to mainland if there's important matter that her presence needed.

" Good to hear your plan seul, I will asked jieun where she like to live, if here in farm I will build a house near here you don't mind us being neighbor right?" Chaeyoung said and laugh, actually if jisoo and seulgis liking she will love to have them around.

" Tsk just make your room soundproof" seulgi suggest they all laughing about it, jongyeon will help seulgi to her businesses same to other rascals.

" Don't worry guys after our honeymoon lets start to contact contractors and architect about the houses and also little change in this main house too, cause this home will be lisa and joohyun officially reside too" seulgi said and added more room and all for the friends and personnel who will work for them, chaeyoung didn't argue cause she will do the same.

" Sometimes I forgot that your all filthy rich you know" daHyun said.

" Because they are humble and share there blessing to as all and I thank them to it" kwang soo said now he talk makes them smile, his a friend to them.

" Your right kwangsoo, they have all good heart" moonbyul cheers to them.

" Welcome to family byul," seulgi said to moonbyul she will be there family doctor for a long time till they will have heiresses.

" Thank seulgi and everyone for welcoming me" moonbyul bowed to them but patted her back to stop.

" Anygays, and straight what do you think there doing now, lisa is getting matured now" chaeyoung is curious she saw Lisa's hickey last time and she cringed about it cause she's a baby to them.

" I know, and I can't wait to have little lisa and joohyun around same to jisoo" seulgi said and she proud to lisa.

" Yeah but lisa is lisa she will be mature but then she will be jisoo baby and annoying maknae later" jongyeon said they agreed to it, they don't mind cause they accept who is lisa the whole lisa herself, not to forget the sacrifice she did for them, to be honest they owe it to lisa today's peaceful living they have.

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