|3| Massage - Maiko Maeda x Assistant!Reader

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You sat in front of your boss while she was on a call. Maiko seemed extremely annoyed with whoever she was speaking to. It's not secret that you could tell she was on edge lately.

A moment later the call is done and she releases a tired sigh. You fix your prescribed glasses as it slips slightly down your nose and look up at her.

"How did it go?" She groans softly at your words and runs her temples gently.

"Maybe I should retire as a fixer, maybe leave for Japan," she chuckles. You give her a small smile which she returns. Maiko hardly ever smiled, if she did it would be fake. However when she was with you, it was always genuine.

"Unfortunately, that won't be possible," you bring her back into reality. Being Maiko's personal assistant had it's pros and cons. Every time she drifted off into wishful thinking you brought her back into reality. She loved and hated that about you. Its as though you kept her grounded and yet she wanted you to just relax sometimes. It was an odd thing about you.

The chrome around your eyes were elegantly implanted around your neck. Maiko remembers the first time you met.

It was in the middle of summer, the heat at its peak, Maiko held interviews for a personal assistant. There were quite a few applicants, but most of them came for the wrong reasons; mainly expecting an inappropriate relationship. However, when her eyes laid on you, she could tell that you were the perfect candidate. Your confidence stood out to her, but it was the way you held yourself.

"You seem on edge today, Ms Maeda. Anything troubling you," You snap Maiko out of her thoughts. She turns her attention to you.

"Let's just say being a fixer and a manager of Clouds, makes things more difficult than just-" she cuts herself off by releasing a tired breath. When you look closer at her appearance, you could see the slight redness of her eyes. The soft dark rings show that fatigue is getting to her.

You stand up from your seat. Maiko watches you curiously. You walk up behind her chair where she is seated and gently massage her shoulders.

"Oh!" She exclaims in sudden surprise, but quickly relaxes under your touch.

"You do have a meeting at 6pm, later today with Rogue, she said the location will be at Afterlife," you inform her, kneading the knots in her shoulders. Maiko just hums.

"Classic Rogue, always wants to meet under the safety of her own club," You give a soft chuckle and stop massaging her, although Maiko already misses your touch. She looks at the time and it reads 17:45.

"We have 15 minutes to get to that meeting..." you give her a confused look. The way Maiko said that statement, expressed that she had a hidden agenda.

Maiko makes her way over to you slowly. You gulp, not sure what she is playing at. She stops in front of you to point where you could feel her breath. She gently grabs your hand and stares deep into your eyes.

"...I never said you could stop massaging me.." Maiko dragged you to the couch in her office and laid flat on her stomach.

"You may continue,"

"Ms Maeda, this isn't appropriat-" you catch her gaze. Her eyes daring you to deny her request. You sigh and begin to massage her shoulders down towards her back.

"If you're late.." You trail off. Maiko's laugh vibrates through the couch.

"Don't worry, Y/n, we won't be,"

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