At least two hours went by, she was locked up in the bathroom for most of the time, ether trying to rub away the marks around her wrists that were slowly fading into bruises, cleaning the dust from her hands or rubbing cool water over her face. She could hear voices travelling up and down the corridors, to which she recognised easily, but she didn't make the effort to talk to anyone. Her stomach was shouting at her for something to eat but she didn't care; if everybody wanted to wonder what she was up t0o and get int0 her business then she would just avoid everyone. Maybe it was her senses messing with her as to why she felt so angry, or maybe it was Snape becoming headmaster after killing Dumbledore or maybe; just maybe it was Mason.

The same Mason she had been so determined was her friend the past year, the same Mason who would go through the same struggles as her and was still. The same Mason she had just seen so incredibly ill, begging her to stay with him for one night for help, or the same Mason that had just threatened her. Multiple times. The one who was out to get her, and Harry. The evil one, the death eater.

That led her into Draco. Where was he right now? Was he okay? Did he need help? She couldn't imagine what he was going through, he didn't seem like the type of kid to join the death eaters, to her. She had to remember that; every single person but her he was horrible too. Well everyone outside of Slytherin that is.

"Sophie?" A voice whispered followed by a knock at the door.

She took her hands from her eyes that were incredibly red and puffy from crying, looked down at her purple wrists before standing to her feet and walking over to the door. She was being stubborn, and stupid and pathetic, gosh maybe even a knob, like Sirius so kindly reminded her of every day.

The key in the door clicked twice before the figure behind it opened. It was Harry, a very sad looking Harry. He didn't say a thing, nor look judgemental he just walked in, closed the door behind him and wrapped his arms around his sister, hugging her tightly like she was going to go away and never come back.

"I love you," he whispered planting a small kiss on her head. "You don't have to tell me where you disappeared to but please be careful."

"I love you too," she smiled pulling away from his embrace.

He smiled back holding onto her hands and running a finger over them but after a few seconds he stopped, keeping his eyes on her wrists her stiffened. "What happened to you?"

"What?" She asked following his gaze before letting out a faint, "oh."

"Who did this to you Sophie, where did you go?"

"You just said I didn't have to tell you"

"That was before I saw these bruises!" He yelled attracting whoever's footsteps were shuffling outside to stop, but non of the children noticed this. "Was it a snatcher, a death eater, who did this?"

"Before you argue with me," she said in a small voice. "It had never happened before, I was on my way home and I heard someone in the tree's but I didn't even think it could be a snatcher."

"So it was a snatcher them, who?" He asked quickly.

"let me finish." She said taking her hands back and rubbing them herself. "He only did it because he needed help and I wouldn't do it, I left him I was horrible to him."

"Sophie who, who were you horrible too, who needed help?"


"That bloody kid hurt you!" Fred yelled stepping inside. "I'm going to kill him" he said once taking a look at her bruises for himself. He let go of her hand and turned around quickly before storming out of the house, Harry and Sophie following behind.

"Fred no stop it!" Sophie yelled grabbing at his arm in attempt to stop him.

"What's going on?" Mrs Weasley asked stepping out of the house an apron in hand, she was obviously cooking something minutes ago.

"Where's Remus?" Fred asked his mother. "He might want to know this."

"Fred no please," Sophie said.

"Him and Sirius have gone out on order duty again, just like Bill has why what's happened?" Molly asked walking over to the crowd looking from Harry to Fred.

"We're trying to find Mason." Harry said attracting a shocked stare from his sister.

"Mason as in the werewolf, that the child, your friend?" She said in a hurry turning now to face Sophie.

"You are not going to do anything." She said facing Fred and Harry, "he hasn't done anything wrong he was just looking for help."

"He hasn't done anything wrong has he!" Fred said getting frustrated now. "Sophie I hate to inform you but he was a spy for Greyback, he was trying to get you to join his side all year, god knows where he is now and if he's still trying, and he caught you in the woods you have those bruises, so forgive me if I want to find him and know what he's up to."

"He's looking for me and Harry, he's a snatcher!" She yelled. "But he's hurt, and he let me go so he clearly isn't taking his job very serious is he!"

"There we go!" Harry yelled now catching everyone's attention, Hermione and Ginny had now come out of the house, followed by Ron and George. "He's a snatcher, and he's out there, he watched you leave he let you go! What if he only did it to watch where you were going, to find us all!"

Sophie hadn't thought about that, she didn't even want to consider it. But maybe, just maybe Harry was right, as much as she didn't want it to be the truth all the signs added up.

"Look, I'm sorry." She breathed solemnly. "I don't think that's what he was up to and if you go looking for him you might wind him up, his senses are high and I don't think he'd be feeling merciless at the minute so please for the love of merlin get your arses back inside!"

"Sophie!" Both Harry and Fred shouted stepping closer to the girl. "Your being stupid,"

"No she isn't." Hermione said suddenly. "The full moon is two weeks away, for heathens sake just look at Sophie and Remus, they're not feeling great and I'm sure Mason doesn't feel any better or are you forgetting that he is too a child like us. The burrow I'm enchanted we have many protection spells up I don't think he could get in if he really wanted to."

"Hermione-" Harry began but Mrs Weasley cut him off stepping forwards and placing a hand on his shoulder, "no Harry. Hermione is right get inside all of you, we'll figure this out when everybody's home."

So they did. They all went inside, everyone enjoyed their dinner in an awkward silence before dismissing themselves, one by one and heading to bed. Sophie fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, Harry was up all night nearly trying to figure out how to make Sophie see what everyone else could and Fred was up worrying. Did she really believe he was a good person, especially after everything that happened at Hogwarts, after who he was and what he had done.

I haven't had time to edit this so I apologise if there's any grammatical mistakes.

My atyd books have arrived!!!

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