August's mother shakes her head at him then continues her conversation with Imani. Their food arrives and August wasn't even hungry anymore.

"Son you need to eat. Tomorrow will be a long day ahead of you."

"I know I'm just not hungry anymore." He was scared he was going to throw it back up once he got home.

"Babe just eat your food."

He looks at her and then starts eating. He felt sick to his stomach. His father knew something was wrong with him but maybe it could've just been him feeling sick all of a sudden.

They ate and talked August didn't say much unless he was asked or told something. When they got in the car that's when Imani decides to say something.

"How come everytime your father comes around he wants to disrespect me and you never say shit to him. I'm your girlfriend and if ion want you around another bitch I can fucking say that. You lucky I fucking love you or else I would've dumped yo ass over ya fucking father. Thennnn that worker decided it was okay to try and flirt with you in front of my fucking face. You fucking embarrassed me in front of your mother. Your headphones really?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know why my dad doesn't like you. I did say something babe."

"One fucking time. ONE! Never mind."

He stayed quiet and drived the whole way home.

"Yess girl he's a fucking embarrassment."

"Sure let me get dressed and I'll see you in a minute. Bye."

"Who was that?" August asks.

"Mind yo business. Imma be back but you know exactly where you going so start heading there."

"But I didn't do anything. Babe please."

"You want to not stick up for me. Imma show you why to not do it again." She says then grabs his arm.

She dug her nails into his arm and forces him into the basement.

"I c-cant be alone in here. Babe please."

"Oh shut the fuck up. That shit been happening for years get over it already. You're not a little kid anymore grow the fuck up. This is why I call you an embarrassment. You're 21 not 15 if you can't get over that shit then ion know what to tell you. Also quit crying you doing too much now. I'm finna go and when I get back you better be asleep." Imani says then leaves the basement and locks the door.

August was shaking and he couldn't breath. When he was 15 he got beat on and raped by his uncle. On family occasions he always sees him because his mother never believed him. His father well he doesn't know. He was always working to make a living for them so he was barely even home but if his father knew all hell would've broken loose.


"Uncle what's up?"

"Nun really I just wanted to know where you momma was at."

"She went to go bring father his food and then she was going shopping why?"

"I was looking for her but I'll just wait till she got back."

"Okay imma be in my room."


About 30 minutes later

His uncle decided to walk up to August's room to see what he was doing. He saw the boy sleeping with his light on so he turned them off and locked his door. When August was younger he's messed with him but he stopped once they moved to another state.

He slowly gets on the bed and puts his hand over the boys mouth. August woke up and squirmed to get away from whoever was attacking him. He broke away and ran to the door.

"UNCLEEE! HELP ME!" He yelled not knowing he was in the room because of how dark it was in there.

His uncle laughs and grabs him and makes him fall on the ground. He punched him in his ribs and the rest of his lower body. He hurt August's ribs so bad he couldn't even move to get away from him.

"I've been waiting to do this boy."

"U-u-uncle? W-why."

"Imma have fun."

After that he was raped then he was left in a dark room by himself."

*End of flashback*

Ever since then he has never trusted the dark and was scared to be left alone in the dark. Imani knew and it's the fact she has used that against him just now before leaving the basement.

Words can hurt someone so bad and it's the fact that his own girlfriend would go as far as that to tell him to grow up when she knew it affects his life.

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