Chapter 1💔

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"Who is that bitch August?"

"What are you talking about?" August asks as he drives off from the store.

"The bitch you was talking to before I walked up to you."

"Babe I was asking for help she worked there."

"I don't give a fuck if she worked there or not. You knew what you was doing. You wasn't asking for help, next time I see that bitch she will get her ass beat."

"It's not that serious babe it was only help."

"Nigga don't be telling me it was only just some help cuz you fucking lying." Imani says then hits him in the head.

Remind you that August is driving while this was happening. He swerved a bit and tried to gain control of the car before they hit anything.

"Can you please stop."

"Then stop fucking acting stupid all the time and this wouldn't happen. You're 21 grow the fuck up and own up to yo shit nigga."

"I'm sorry I won't talk to another female again."

"You're fucking lying. Let me catch you again, get yo fucking ass beat."

When they arrived to the house August made sure that he cooked the food and after got ready for bed. Where he works that's the only time he feels safe. Nobody always watching him and he's not being beat on constantly.

"Tomorrow we are meeting your parents after you get off. They want to go out to eat."


"If we have a waitress what do you do?"

"Only order my food then look away from the waitress. If there are women walking by look the opposite direction. Only speak when spoken to."

"That's right baby. If I catch you doing it what will happen?"

"When we get home I'd have to take my punishment like a man because I am weak and only weak men get punished."

"Mmmm good boy. Now go to bed."

August did as he was told and went to bed. Should he be scared of her? Should he leave? His mother knew about her hitting him once and she basically told him women only hit a man when the man is in the wrong. She told him if she doesn't stay with a good girl like her his career would never be a thing. That he needed a good image next to him. His mother also told him if he left her he wouldn't take over his father's music business when he retired.

He wasn't fully asleep and most of the time sleeping was a problem for him. He stopped sleeping when he woke up one afternoon to her beating on him. Her friend supposedly saw him with a female but he's been at home by himself all day.


"Baby wh-What did I do please stop."

"Fuck that. My best friend told me she saw you open the door for a bitch. When the girl came out her clothes was fucked up. Where she live at August?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been cleaning and sleeping all day."

"You're fucking lying. Let me smell you. Get the fuck up now."

August got up and took off his clothes. It's like a routine. She smells him, looks around the house,and etc. if she finds one thing off he's getting beat on and locked in the basement or something until he has to work.

"Mmm that's good but my best friend still caught yo ass with somebody in MY house. You know the rules."

"Y-yes baby."

August walks out of the room without clothes and into the basement. He's never once tried to fight back without a purpose. He was honestly terrified and didn't know what was right from wrong in this situation. He loved her and he didn't want to leave he wanted what they had in the beginning HAPPINESS.

Imani follows behind and locks the doors when he wasn't looking. He's tried to escape before so she has a key to lock them in. She could care less about him but seeing him hurt she loved it. He tried to leave her but he came back once she guilt tripped him.

August was her one way ticket to a rich life. He was going to be an artist like his father and she needed him to make her wealthy. His family loved her dearly so that wasn't an issue but August got in the way of her dreams. She needed him on board so breaking him apart was an option.

"Please please I'm sorry I can't stay here in the dark. I'd do anything to not be in the dark alone." August said as banged on the door.

"Should've thought of that before cheating."

"I didn't."

"You're fucking lying. You wouldn't be in the dark with yo scary ass if you wasn't fucking cheating all the time. I give you everything but you constantly want to cheat."

"I promise you I didn't. You know why I don't like to be in the darkness by myself. I need to get out."

"I'll think bout it. See you later."

She walks off and he does back down the stairs. He was terrified of being alone in the dark. An incident happened years ago that caused him to be afraid of the dark. She uses that against him every time she doesn't get her way. He doesn't like it but he listens to her each time.

*End of flashback*

He know exactly how his mother would react if he didn't give Imani what she wanted.

His mother knows about the hitting but she doesn't know everything. If she knew everything Imani wouldn't be here right now. His mother just doesn't want to listen. She feels like her son is being weak and he needs to grow up. August is scared to stick up for himself since nobody understood or wanted to help him.

He would be in the wrong if it was him abusing her but as soon as a female does it, it was okay. He loves her and he doesn't want to lose her or make his fans and mother unhappy so he's deciding to stay with her. If that's what he has to do to make them happy then he'd take all the pain as possible.

I hate abuse but females aren't the main ones getting abused. Guys don't speak up because they're taught to be quiet or it's wrong to stick up for themselves. All these people I see and every time a dude defends him self people get mad at him and not the female who hit him constantly first. If a dude cheats leave, what's the point in hitting him cuz if it was the other way around all hell would break loose. Anyways I hope you enjoy this book see y'all soon😁

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