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"Jake. What is this all about? Why did you punch Simon?" The principal asked me. I was in there with blood on My knuckles and my heart beating a million miles a minute. Not because I was in the principles office, because beating up someone is a work out. I sighed.

"Because he needs to stop being a homophobic bitch." I spat.

"LANGUAGE! This is still a school, Mr. Hollister." Said the principal. I just rolled my eyes.

"He was saying things I didn't agree with so...I punched him...repeatedly." I told him. He sighed.

"Detention. two weeks. Now Get out. And don't let me see you here again." He said.

I stood up and left. As soon as I Did Aiden got up. He was waiting for me.

"What he say?" He asked.

"I got detention for two weeks." I told him.

"Why the hell would you you do that?" He yelled at me.

"Because. I didn't like what he was saying to you." I said shrugging.

"You didn't have to do that, ya know." He said. I scoffed.

"I know....I wanted to." I said smiling. He smiled too.

"Well...thanks... I guess." I said looking down.

"You welcome... I guess." I said mocking him. He laughed causing the corners of his gorgeous brown eyes to wrinkle. I laughed along. I don't know what came over me when I punched Simon.

Maybe a part of me really did care. I don't know but it sure benefited me. Now Aiden thinks I'm really sorry and want to be friends again. That makes this bet a little easier.

Me and Aiden left the school and went to his house. We were in his room talking about the project.

"Okay, so I was thinking maybe we could do more research and then-" he stared.

"We should watch a movie." I interrupted him. He looked up from a text book.

"What?" He asked.

"We should go to the movies." I said while reaching for the bowl of grapes his mom brought up here earlier.

"No, Jake. We have to start our project." He said looking back at his text book. I groaned out loud.

"Whyyyy? This is boring. Let's do something! Pleeeaaasssseee???!!!" I whined. He just rolled his eyes.

"Goodie two shoes." I muttered while throwing a grape at him. It hit his head. He looked up at me with his mouth open.

"YOU JUST THREW A GRAPE AT ME!" He yelled at me. I laughed.

"No I didn't." I said with a smile. He grabbed a handful of grapes and threw one at me. It hit my chest. I grabbed a handful too. We stared having a grape war.

He was laughing and running across the room. I was chasing him.

"STOP, JAKE! WE...HAVE TO START... THE PROJECT!" He yelled at me while laughing.

I was still throwing grapes at him. He was about to throw one at me when the door opened.

"Boys i- WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Aiden's mom screamed. Me and Aiden stopped throwing grapes.

"Mom! We...were..Uh just-" Aiden tried to explain.

"I don't even want to hear it...Just clean it up!" She yelled at us then left. After She left I started laughing clenching my stomach.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY! I'm the one who has to clean it up!" Aiden said. I stopped laughing.

"Aww. Do you want me to help?" I asked in a baby voice. He put his bottom lip out and nodded slowly. I chuckled at how adorable he looked. We started picking cleaning up the mess we made.

"Thanks for helping me clean up." Aiden said while sitting on a bingbag chair that was in his room. I sat down next to him.

"No problem. Besides I kinda help made the mess too." I said shrugging. Aiden chuckled while grabbing the text book and putting it in his lap.

"So back to work." He said pushing his glasses up. I groaned out loud.

"No! Let's go to the movies!" I screamed. Aiden just rolled his eyes. I sighed. Then an idea popped into my head. I smirked looking at him.

I grabbed the text book he was reading and stood up. He did also.

"Stop, Jake!!! Give it back!!!" He yelled while reaching for the book. I was taller then him so he couldn't reach it. I laughed.

"Whats the magic wooorrrd?" I taunted him. He groaned and was still reaching for it. I backed up a little causing me to fall on the bed with Aiden falling on top of me.

He stared in my eyes with a suprised expression. He was just inches from my face with his breath hitting my lips. His face inched closer to mine. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. His my lips could reach his he got up from on top of me. I sat up.

His cheecks were red and he was looking down.

"'s getting pretty late...maybe we should start the project tomorrow." Aiden said while still avoiding eye contact. I slowly nodded.

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow." I said while grabbing my backpack and leaving his house. When I got to my house I soon realize what the hell just happened.

I almost kissed Aiden Miller....and I  acually wanted to kiss him.

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