"I fucked your dad"

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Draco was always a bully at Hogwarts, but unfortunately for him I wasn't like everyone else he would bully.

Like today, I told him I was going to fuck his mommy, his daddy and his auntie, his best friend Blaise and his girlfriend Pansy.

He started crying and ran into the boys bathroom.

The school year came to an end and that's when I went to the Malfoy manor, where he walked in on me fucking his parents. He ran out crying again.

I started spending nights there quite often and Draco was sad that his dad was spending more money on me than on him.

I decided I wanted to kick Draco out because I wanted more room in the manor.

He was upset when he saw me taking all his stuff and taking over his entire life.

Lucius and Narcissa told Draco to sleep in the basement.

It is cold in there and he sleeps in a twin sized bed in the dark basement every night while I sleep in his old bed.

There had to be a talk to Draco where he could have an explanation of the relationship with me and his parents. We had to confess to Draco that we are in a throuple.

Lucius, Narcissa and I sat down and told Draco that the three of us are dating and love each other.

Draco was so upset and it was all too much to take in for him he then went to Professor Snape, but unfortunately for him, Snape had a thing for me too.

"I would love to help you, Draco," Snape spoke. "But I am, too, in love with Y/N."

The next day Draco wouldn't stop giving me dirty looks, he was probably thinking of all the loud bed creakad and moans all night long.

Even being all the way in the basement, he could still hear it.

Draco didn't have anyone to turn to because after that I went and hooked up with Snape.

The Yule Ball:

Draco finally thought he could get away from me for one night and spend tyke with his friends, but I showed up with Lucius Malfoy around my arm and we danced together.

Draco sat alone because then I had Pansy and Blaise dancing with me also.

The night of the yule ball after I went back to the manor I got on my knees and proposed to Lucius and Narcissistic.

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