Katsuki & Eijiro | 6

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- Don't make me get violent.

Requested by: MyEarsAreBlind

[A follow up from "Eijiro | 4"]

"You sure things won't be weird after he comes over?"

"Hmm? Why would they be?"

"Oh I don't know... maybe cause you sent him that photo of me yesterday!"

"Heh oh yeah... that kinda backfired, we never did respond to him you know..."

"I thought we both agreed that we weren't gonna agree to that." I said with my arms crossed.

"Yeah I know but... like you always say, first time for everything?"

"Pfft... you really wanna see your boyfriend get fucked by someone else?"

"When you put it that way then no! And besides who said he was the one gonna have all the fun huh?"

"If he was even being serious about that in the first place..." I shot back at Kiri with a deadpanned face.

"I mean if he really wants to... would you wanna try it?" Kirishima asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah why not... two hot guys handling me? I'm sold..."

"Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves... you're still mine Y/N, we're just trying it for the experience."

"If he agrees to it that is."

"Key word baby... if."

"Now you sound like you don't want to anymore."

"That's no-"

"I'm just teasing, you meat head..."

He huffed and pouted on the couch where I currently just sat in his lap, eating a apple. Waiting for Katsuki's arrival.

"Wait so... you're gonna be taking us both?"

"You're still on this?"

"Just curious that's all."

"It's whatever Bakugou's most comfortable with, as for me? I don't really care, I still get two hot guys on me in the end."

That's when I heard Eijiro growl under his breath behind me.

Snuggling back into his chest with a light chuckle, "you're cute when you get jealous Kiri..."

"I'm not jealous..."


"Rigghhht... anyways when is Bakugou supposed to come over?"

"In like... two minutes I think?"


"Make that two seconds..."

I snorted, getting up from the couch and walking over to the front door, with swaying hips as I walked.

Feeling a light smack already on my right cheek, I tried to ignore until I heard his cocky cackle.

That's when I snapped back and instantly he shut his trap, I laughed mentally.

He followed me suit, standing directly behind me, kinda towering my smaller frame.

I guess I never realized how much... bigger? In mass Kirishima was compared to me, we both do have a good build on our bodies but I'm just seeing now how much more buff he is.

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