"Uh.. Sorry, I know, being called a n-n-number all our lives. I hate it too... So let's not call each other by n-numbers. I'm Leo, what's your n-name?"

A pause. Being called by his number did not make Thirty-Two upset at all, but his quiet nature and stoic face may have been misinterpreted as being upset. Still, nothing but the constant rocking and the sound of rocks beneath a group of wheels answered Leo. It did not seem like he was going to get an answer anytime soon. Thirty-Two simply adjusted himself in between the person on his left and the gate to the right then looked back down towards the ground. That did not seem to matter though from the look on Leo's face. He was the type of guy who was used to being ignored, and he combated it in the most effective way. By talking even more,

"Yeah.. I-I guess it doesn't really matter at this p-p-point, does it? N-numbers, names, whoever we w-w-.."

He took a brief pause, the energy in his voice seeming to falter as he struggled to get his words out, he banged a fist against his chest two times before taking a breath and speaking again,

"Were.. Whoever we were isn't going to c-change where we're going."

A few other figures shifted in their seats, eyes still fixated on the ground or whatever point they could find interesting, while some looked in the general direction of Leo, possibly listening. He was the only one who spoke the entire time they were here. There was another awkward silence mixing with the stench of fumes, just making it harder to breathe than it already was. Laughter suddenly emitted from the driver's seats, cutting through the silence like butter. Then a female sitting near the back door spoke,

"My name is Alice. Alice Gallagher."

Silence. Then slowly, others chimed in with their names until they all had spoken. Some sounded young, some sounded old, but they all sounded like they had some sort of determination, like they wanted to prove something. Like rebellion? A fight to show that despite what anyone else thought, they were still worth something. They still were people. Thirty-two shifted his eyes to gaze out of the window next to him, staring at the constant greenery. He was the only one who had not spoken, nor held any interest in speaking. There were a few minutes of mild conversation before they fell silent again. He could feel their eyes on him, then heard Leo's voice again,

"We gotta stick together man.. W-w-we're all we've got at this p-point."

A pause, then Thirty-Two shifted, turning from the window and looking back into those stormy greys of the one named Leo. There were a few other eyes on him as well. Like he was some sort of rare sight to be seen. He was just like the rest of them and did not like being singled out. So he decided to just tell them. As his mouth opened to speak, there was a violent bump before the road went smooth and the greenery of the trees vanished into the darkness. It forced Thirty-Two to shut his mouth or risk biting off his tongue. After mere moments, the vehicle stopped and the engine cut. At least this meant they would get out of that claustrophobic space. They could hear doors slam on either side of the truck and the two drivers still talking as they made their way to the back of the vehicle. The group began glancing at the windows to see where they were and their voices faded to whispers as reality began settling back into their minds and weighing down on their spirits. With every resounding footstep from the men inching closer to the door in the back of the vehicle, a creeping anxiety coiled its long, spindly fingers around their necks. Everyone's eyes fell to the ground and any trace of a grin or hope flickered until it was as dim as the lights.

The doors unlocked with a loud click before they swung open with a creak and groan. The group was greeted with blinding flashlights, yelling, and the overwhelming smell of fumes. The man and the others were ushered out of the truck and lined against a cold wall. Thirty-two took a moment to look around. From what he could make out, they were in a long, dark tunnel that was freezing cold and the sweat clinging to his body was not helping. The escorts donning body armor stood before them began taking count. Honestly it seemed stupid, they would know if one of them attempted to get away or anything like it. But Thirty-two stayed quiet, as did the rest of the group.

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