Part 21

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When Anne opened her eyes, she found herself in the water with the bright sun beating down on her. She breathed in deeply and wiped the water from her face, blinking fast. 

She felt strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She looked to see Cedric floating next to her.

"You okay?" he asked, guiding her to the dock where the teachers were waiting.

Anne nodded.

They were helped out of the water and given towels to dry off.

Anne was surprised to see Fleur, looking shaken and devastated.

"What happened to her?" she asked.

"She got attacked by gundylows," Cedric told her, "before she could reach her sister."

"Oh no! Her sister---"

"Don't worry. They'll make sure her sister is rescued," Cedric assured her. "As a matter of fact, I saw Harry when I got to you. He tried to save you and your two friends. So I'm sure he'll try to save Fleur's sister."

"I hope you're right," said Anne. Though she couldn't help but worry.

Madam Pomfrey bustled over with big fluffy towels and wrapped each of them tightly.

The one hour time limit was up. Anne sat waiting anxiously for Viktor and Harry to appear with their hostages.

Finally, she saw Viktor appear with Hermione. Now it was just Harry.

Minutes dragged by, then finally...Harry the surface with Ron and Fleur's sister. The crowd was making a great deal of noise; shouting and screaming, they all seemed to be on their feet. Dumbledore and Crouch stood beaming at Harry as he and Ron and Fleur's sister swam to the dock, then helped them up.

"Harry!" Anne and Hermione exclaimed embracing him at once.

"Get him a towel!" Crouch barked as Harry stood shivering. "I want all the judges over here now!"

"You save her!" Fleur cried out happily as she rushed over to Harry. "My little sister! Even though she was not yours to save." She kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you!" She then turned to Ron. "And helped!"

"Well..." replied Ron bashful. "Yeah...a bit..." Fleur then kissed him too.

"Are you all right, Harry?" asked Anne. "You must be freezing! Personally, I think you behaved most admirably."

"I finished last though," Harry blurted out.

"Next to last," Hermione corrected him.

Dumbledore called for attention. "The winner is Cedric Diggory!"

Cedric and his friends cheered. Anne beamed at him.

"For showing unique command of the bubblehead charm. The way I see it, Harry Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley, but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place. For outstanding moral fibre!"

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