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I put on makeup to cover the bruises since I had taken it off before I went to bed. I quickly changed into some leggings, a tshirt, then hoodie. I put on some fingerless gloves and a beanie.

I opened my door and Billy was still there waiting for me with his stuff on and ready to go. We quietly made our way down the stairs. Billy disabled the alarm and we were able to make it outside.

We walked down the street before we started a conversation, "I'm really sorry about what happened at dinner."

"It's no big deal. I mean, I get it. They just wanted to know more about me." I looked over at him and then back in front of me. He sighed, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've only known you for two days, and it feels like I've known you for years." He explained.

"Yeah, me too." I replied.

"You know, I've always wanted to see New York." Billy changed the subject.

"We should go someday. It's only an hour and a half from here." I told him.

"We could go tomorrow." He suggested, "I'm sure there's a bus we could find."

"Do you really think Rosa and Victor would let you go all the way to New York City?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll just tell them that I'll be out all day." He answered.

"Right, doing what?" I questioned.

"At the mall."

"All day?"

"Shopping...with you?" He looked up at me.

"What about Freddy? He would want to come too. And New York City and a disabled kid probably isn't such a good idea."

"Then we'll tell him that we're at the mall, shopping for you."

"Mhm, and what if he wants to go to the mall with us?" I inquired.

"Jeez, how do you even think of these stuff?" He groaned.

"This isn't my first rodeo, Batson." I answered, simply.

He sighed, "Then we'll tell him that we're out shopping for you, and that I'm looking for a gift for him, so he can't come so it's a surprise."

I thought about it for a moment, "That could work, I guess. But why would you get him a surprise?"

"Early Christmas shopping. There, problem solved." He replied.

"Okay. Let's do it." I giggled.

"Finally!" He chuckled as we continued.

"So we'll have to buy a bus ticket. And we should leave right after breakfast so we have more time in the city." I told him. He nodded his head in agreement.

"So what are we going to do when we get there?" He asked as his hand brushed up against mine.

I could feel my cheeks heat up, "That's for me to know and you to find out. We are going to need some money though."

"I've got it covered." He said simply.

We continued our walk. We turned into an alley to cut across to a gas station.

We walked into the gas station and got some slushees and some snacks, "Having sugar probably isn't going to help us get tired." I stated after we payed and walked out.

"Oh well." He shrugged, "So what are the views like in New York?"

"You'll just have to wait and see. Trust me, it will be worth it." I smiled at him. Then I looked back in front of me, "What about Philly? I haven't been able to look around yet. Are there any good views here?"

Shazam: A Fallen Hero [Billy Batson x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now