"Love is stupid," I say bluntly. I feel like I should explain. "Love never lasts forever. The chain soon breaks." I half-whisper. 

"Sometimes, people become stupid." He holds me tighter "Sometimes, the chain is stronger than you think."

"Love can be dangerous at times," I smile.

"That's just a side effect that comes with it."


Right, so I have come to the very luminous conclusion that I have to tell him how much of a bad person I really am but, I don't want to force it. Things like this should come naturally. I'm still embarrassed that he saw me like that, yet he still stays as if he had to. He didn't fade.

I hope he forgets that happened.

"Love?" He asks from the other room. I still adore how he calls me it, as if he doesn't know my name. I walk up behind him.

"Boo," I whisper. I see his smirk and I continue to walk around the sofa to meet is eyes. "What's up?" I ask.

"I've been thinking about getting a tattoo," 

I smile and sit down beside him. I can't complain that he wants a tattoo, I don't own him. "How come?" I say light-heartedly. "You're always... super down to earth professional guy," I say, the last part jokingly in the manliest voice I could do. 

"I have a crazy side too," He jokes back, making me beam. I watch him look at his lap as a strand of hair dangle to his forehead, making butterflies flutter in my stomach, cheeks going slightly red.

"What are you getting?" I ask, playing with my necklace, that was once against my chest.

"That's a surprise," 

I'm not a fan of surprises. I mean, nothing's wrong with it but, I'm going to find out anyway so what's the point? Then again, this is my party-pooper side taking action and in reality, I'm not against surprises.

He arises from his spot and gravitates his hand to me. I reach out and grab it as he picks up my only pairs of shoes and takes me to his car. "Love you need to get new shoes," He laughs. "They're all scuffed up."

"Well..." I try to think of a comeback. "They're comfy and still fit," He smiles brightly then gives me a shrug, meaning I won.

He sits me down in the passenger seat, not shutting the door as he gets my shoe and puts it on my foot. It kinda tickles. I laugh at his gesture, squirming a bit "Love, I can't do your laces if you're moving!"

I do a fake cough and try to contain the laughter bubbling up inside me. Him knelt down in front of me, I look at his eyes, studying my body and his plump lips parting slightly. He's such an angel. His heart is so pure and he's a beautiful person. 

I bite my lip as he slowly slides his hands up my bare legs. My heart starts beating as he glides his hands further up my legs, at the end of my thigh. Butterflies roam my stomach as he lifts his body so he's eye level to my stomach.

My cheeks turn pink as I watch him smirk, his eyes trace my body, which's now covered in goosebumps. He then slowly lifts his head so his eye meet mine. I watch his green eyes dart around my face, his cheeks pink too. His hands move to my waist. This isn't right, right? I'm dreaming, right? This is not what friends do. But his hands are so warm yet I still feel the coolness in his rings covering his fingers. His eyes are so perfect as if he's mesmerised at my features. His lips are so close to mine.

This Time I'm Ready To RunWhere stories live. Discover now