At this point, she couldn't even hold herself up anymore, her legs buckling under her. She was going to lose her father, too. She was going to lose everyone, but at this point, she should have known that. Everyone she touched, she destroyed. 

        She was going to be the downfall of all of her friends.

        A pained sob escaped her lips, it burning her throat as she let it out. Her whole body was on fire, Foster barely able to see Isaac crouch down beside her through her tear blurred vision. He held onto her tightly, pulling her into his chest as she let out a pained sob, almost like a scream piercing the air. 

        She didn't want to lose her dad, she already lost her mom. Who was going to be next? Isaac? Scott? Stiles? Allison? Lydia? Everyone in her life left, and it was almost as though she was the poison in their lives. She knew that now.

        Isaac held onto her, Foster unable to move her arms to hold onto him, too. 

        Instead, she barely choked out, "They're all going to die, aren't they?" He tightened his hold on her, refusing to answer. They all knew the answer, and it was going to do more harm to her than good. "Aren't they, Isaac?"

        He shook his head, getting out shakily, "There's still time."

        She pulled away slowly, Isaac noticing a new look in her eyes. It was on that held no hope, one of the girl who had nothing left. The one that made you feel pain just by the sight.

        "We both know that there's no more time," she breathed out. "And there never will be."

✢ ✢ ✢

        Foster found herself in the back corner of Deaton's clinic, silent as Stiles spoke, "It had to be on a telluric current or maybe even at the axis of two. All I know is that's where Derek took Paige to die."

        The young girl, Paige, was a girlfriend of Derek's back in high school. She captured Derek's attention, and soon enough, Peter manipulated him into allowing Ennis to bite the girl, leading her to her death down in the root cellar. And apparently rather than drawing a tree, Lydia's actually been drawing the place where Jennifer is keeping their parents. Also know as a Nematon. The only problem was that none of them knew where the hell it was.

        Allison made her way over toward Stiles, explaining, "My Dad and Gerard had been there once. But both of them said it was years ago and they can't remember where it was."

        From beside Foster, Isaac demanded, "Then how do we find this place."

        Isaac had just as much as the others riding on the line here, the man who had taken him in like his own son being on the verge of being ritually sacrificed. Foster's family was now his family. And the fact that Eric Foster was even willing to die for him was enough to make him want to risk his own life to save him.

        All of them looked toward Deaton, the man who was silent in front of them. He was practically their Yoda or whatever Stiles called him. . . Foster didn't know the exact term. Maybe it was Obi-Wan? Either way, he was the one who knew everything, if anyone's going to have a plan on finding the Nematon, it's going to be him.

        "There might be a way," Deaton offered, nervously, "but it's dangerous. We're going to need Scott."

        It wasn't as hard to get a hold of Scott as they all initially thought, but seeing as though Stiles, Deaton, and Foster are now out in the middle of the woods facing the teen wolf, it felt as though there might be a slight bit of hope in saving their parents.

Eye of the Hurricane ▸ Scott McCall (2)Where stories live. Discover now