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[2 years later]

Minho woke up, alone in his bed. He still wasn't used to it. Making some effort, he grabbed the table clock and checked the date. 3rd October.

His face turned into a frown. Forcefully, he pushed himself off the bed and headed towards the kitchen, where he saw Chan chilling on the dining table. Minho sat across from him. "Morning." He said and yawned. Chan nodded. "Morning to you too. How was sleep?" Chan asked.

"Full of bad memories."

"Anything else?"

"It's your birthday Channie." Minho said, but Chan looked unbothered. "So?" He asked. "I miss you." Minho said as tears threatened to fall. He looked down at his laps. "Minho look at me." Chan ordered but Minho didn't budge. "Minho. Look at me. In my eyes." Minho lifted his head to see him, the sparkle in his eyes was gone, replaced with darkness.

"Am I here?" Chan asked. Minho shook his head. "You're dead." He whimpered as warm tears streamed down his cheeks. "And?"

"It's all in my head."

"You should move on." Chan said. "I can't! No matter what I do I just can't!" Minho said, he was sobbing at this point. "You should Spend time with friends." He said. "They're all dating each other, it will only make it worse." Minho said and sniffed. "Have you even tried talking to them?" Chan asked and Minho remained silent.

"Try to talk to them. Maybe with your Interstellar crew." Chan said while shurgging. "I've had enough! I can't take this anymore!" Minho shouted and put his head in his hands. "You will not give up, Minho. You promised me."

"That promise doesn't matter now that you're gone!"

"Minho just-" Chan tried to say something but Minho stormed off to his room. He cried for endless minutes hidden in his blanket. Yes, he knew he was going insane, even he'd agree on that. Some people even suggested him therapy. But the thing is, Minho didn't want to lose the last memory of Chan. As much as he wanted it all to stop, he didn't want it to stop either.

His thoughts were constantly crashing. It could've been him. No, it should've been him. He should've gotten shot rather than Chan, because he asked for it. Not Chan.

Minho couldn't cope up with this lonliless anymore, so he decided to do something. Something he won't regret. Or as he hoped so. He went outside the house and noticed that all the campers were in the forest for some reason, but as if Minho cared. He carried on with his journey.

Little did he know he was being followed by someone.

He stood on the cliff and looked down. Pretty high. Would surely do a lot of damage if someone jumped. Probably 0% chance of survival. He tested it by throwing a rock first and saw how much time it took for it to reach the bottom. 1 minute approximate.

Just as he was about to jump, someone hugged him from behind. The familiar feeling of being safe washed over him. "Don't go." That person whispered. Minho was in utter shock. Was Chan's ghost hugging him? "I thought mind projections couldn't touch the humans." Minho thought out loud.

Now Chan was confused. "Projections? Minho dear you good?" Chan asked and turned around Minho so he faced him. "It's another dream isn't it?" Minho asked, voice barely above a whisper. "No honey it isn't a dream! I'm here!" Chan said and hugged the boy like his life depended on it. Minho just stood there in shock, processing what was happening.

"I'm not dead, I'm here!"

Minho detached from him and held Chan's face in his tiny hands. The more he looked into his eyes, the surer he got that it really was Chan standing in front of him, alive. Then he hugged him. Really hard. "I thought I lost you!" Minho said and let out a shaky breath.

"I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Even if you want me to go, I'll stick with you." Chan said and calmed down the crying boy in his arms. "Shh~ it's fine, I'm here."

"Shall we go to everyone else?" Chan asked and Minho broke the hug to face him. "Others?" He asked. "The guardians. You know, they saved me." Chan said. "They did?" The latter asked and Chan nodded. He kissed the younger's tear stained cheeks. "God I missed you." Chan said and hugged him again.

"I missed you more." Minho said and hid his face in the crook of Chan's neck. "So much that you were seeing hallucinations?" Chan asked and Minho nodded.

"Lets go." Chan said and broke the hug. He held out a hand for Minho and Minho clinged onto his arm. "My cutie." Chan said and ruffled his hair.

-And then they lived-

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