Did we just have...part 1

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Finally It's Sunday, I waited for this day so much. It's my first time when I'll go to Stephan house,damn I'm so nervous. What to wear,hmm classy or sport?Why it's so hard to take a decision, I want to be perfect.
After 2 hours of thinking I finally chose my clothes, I will wear red underwear and red bra ,black jeans with a peach sweater ,black boots and my leather jacket.
It's so beautiful outside the sky is blue the sun kisses are so warm and nice.I can't stop thinking that I'll see for the first time his house I can't wait for the netflix and cook day and night.Why I dress like this maybe it's too classy maybe I will create a wrong impression!?While I was with my thoughts I didn't realise that I'm already in Colentina.Ohh god here it comes all or nothing, goooood I'm so nervous.
In just a couple minutes I saw Stephan at the crosswalk across me. When I saw him the only thing which I could think of was "Damn he is so cute ,what should I do?!Oh he saw meeee !!!" The only thing that come in my head is to hug him like in the school days.
-Elena,missed me that much?
-Yes idiot ,I also told you that I miss you last night, remember?
-I know ,I was just playing with you now.
-Whyyyy ,one day I will kill you.
-Nonono ,I will do it by myself it's better bcs I'll know that I did a great job and I'm for sure dead.
-Oh god what in the world, I need to get already with this.
-You know how I am and u still stay with me soo ...
-Yea,because I like you and you know that.
-Yes I know.
I didn't realise that we are already by his house, when in the world we arrived. It's such a cute and lovely house,I can't wait to enter it."Wow!" I said ,his home is so beautiful and with a classic air.
-Stephan!Come to the bathroom and wash your hands.
-Do you want to cook pasta or pizza?Brownies or pancakes?
-Hmm,pizza and pancakes!
-Ok don't scream🤣
His kitchen is so big and it's so much space that I can dance here. At first I took out all ingredients that I needed it.
-Stephan where are you ? I need to wait for the milk and the butter to be at room temperature.
-I'm in my room ,you can come if you want.
When I open the door I see Stephan in blue trousers and without t-shirt. My mind is like "Daaamn I'm blushing he is so hot ,look natural loook f natural"
-Ammm ,let's say that I didn't saw anything.
-You see a fat guy only without t-shirt ,big deal.
-If you say one more time that you are fat I'm gonna murder you.
-Okok,let's go to living room I want to choose the movie .
-Oki doki.
I've already fall in love with this house like I fall with Stephan .His living room is pretty big and it's has 2 seats, one big sofa,a big smart TV with music speakers,his cage with parrots and now that I see ,look who's here his kitty ododo.
-What type of movie do you like?I asked him
-Well action, comedy,thriller,
-I want or comedy or horror.
-Hmm let's find one with action and comedy.
-Yayy ,sounds nice!
After choosing the movie I start to cook,I'll make my special pasta and my fluffy pancakes with jam.
The smell of the pasta already flood the kitchen and the pancakes composition is ready.
After that I felt how him embrace me from the back and he was just sitting with his head on mine.
-Are you OK?
-Yeah,I'm just tired let me stay like this a while.
My heart beats so hard ,I can smell his perfume, it drives me crazy when I'm thinking that I'm alone with him in this house and he is so close to me.What should I do?
After 5 minutes I felt how he is slowly separate from me,turn me around and I'm start staring at his emerald wonderful eyes. "I'm feeling like I'm gonna burn, he always makes me blush. FFS THE FOOD!" I almost burnt the house for Jesus Christ . In the end I did it ,the pasta are done and the only thing I need to do to pancakes it's to fill them.
-Food is readyyy!
-Ok,I'm going to bathroom then I come.
After 5 min he came to the kitchen..
-I cooked to much and I want to hear your opinion!
-Hmm OK let's taste.Daaaamn it's
so good ,at first I thought that you will poison me🤣.
-Noooo,mee?Never.Ok I can poison everybody else except a few people(joking).
-Come to living room,let's start the netflix night.
-Ok,can I stay right to you?
-Yea,why not.
After watching half of movie and finish the food ,I took the plates and go to the kitchen. "I hope he enjoy the food I put almost all my heart there.I want to hug him but I'm to scared,hmm maybe he has smth to drink I need a little courage. "I finally found a wine bottle and I out myself half of glass.
-Stephan,do you want some wine?
-No,bring me a beer.
When I came back I gave him the beer and I drunk the whole glass of wine.After one other glass I lay down next to him and continue watch the movie.
-Can I hug you?I asked him with a red face .
-You got drunk?
-No,I swear, I can do anything I'm OK.
-Hmm OK I will believe you this time,but no more wine.
-Off ok, I promise.
After this he actually hugged me."I love when he hug me,his arms ,his perfume, his breath and he is so close to me." I closed my eyes for one second and when I opened them I was looking in his eyes again ,he turned me around that quick that I didn't realise. "What's with this tension between me and him, I just want to kiss him,hug him,make him mine and love him for long time."
-Close your eyes for one second.
-Just close them.
And without one second I felt his lips on mine. "HE JUST KISSED MEEEE!I'M DREAMING?WHAAAAAT!"
I open slowly my eyes and when I look at him,he was staring at me like I did it before.
-You can kiss me again,if you want only...."How tf I said this ,omg what I can do now"
-Come with me.
-To my room.
He took my hand and ....

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