Chapter 10

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Damians p.o.v
*text -Father(Bruce)and damian*
What did the doctor say about Mrs dupin cheng?

The doctor said they want her to stay overnight to watch the pain but she'll definitely be on crutches up until the last week of there trip.

Dose she wish to be sent home?

No she wishes to stay and continue the trip and just have some extra help. Okay more like the conditions where set by dick and her friend Chloe that she would either except the help or be sent back to Paris for rest

Okay that's good you three shall stay with her tonight and Alfred will pick you up in the morning. Tell dick I said to behave.

Yes goodnight father

*text chat ends*

"Marinette my father has asked for us to stay the night here with you" I said sitting at the foot of her bed as Chloe was sprawled over her lap asleep like a dog. "Oh okay damian" she replied groggy with sleepiness with a smile that usally should not belong to a girl that has a broken ankle. "Don't worry about missing anything tomorrow I canceled tomorrow's trip plans and they will resume after tomorrow when you are able to go back on tours with help of course" dick side scrolling through the email he was about to send to the incompetent teacher. I turned back to my brother once I heard him mumbling. "If your going to mumble you might as well spite it out" i snarl our tiered and annoyed as it is. "It's just that Iv gone through both my personal and work email and there's not a single one from her teacher asking if she's okay or if her parents needed to be notified"he said leaning back with what was most likely an oncoming headach.we both turn back to the door when we hear a nurse come in we look to see the one nurse that is never scared to deal with any of us. "Well I'll be damed for once it's not you or your idiot brothers in the bed" Sasha laughed before going over to a now sleeping marinette and Chloe and shaking marinette awake for vitals.

Marinettes p.o.v
"Miss dupin cheng hi my name is Sasha and i need to take your vitals then you can go back to sleep" the nurse above me said in a whisper so I lay back down and gave her my arm so she could get it done with. "You know I don't think Iv ever seen anyone but the dumbass Wayne kids in here" she whispered in a my ear as she reset my IV then left the room with a smile. I turn back to damian and dick who are sitting in the corner. "What did she mean" I ask curiously. "Let's just say the hospital is funded by Wayne hospital bills and donations"dick chuckled and damian rolled his eyes. "Just go back to sleep marinette everything's fine" Damian said as I layed back down and falling into dreamland.

Chloes p.o.v
"It's horrible what our no good classmates did to her" I sigh sitting up and brushing her hair out of her face. I look up and see both boys looking at me. "She used to be so much brighter. But our class has dimmed her light to the point where I wish an angle would come and take her to a perfect safe haven where she wouldn't have to worry" I carefully slide off the bed and grab my phone off the chair and show them a picture on my phone. "This is a picture from a year ago before lila came" I smile showing them a picture of her smiling with her eyes shining like stars. "And this is a picture from yesterday" I sigh showing them a picture of us together. "What's the difference" dick asks trying to spot the difference. "Look at her eyes dick" Damian scoffed. "So you see it" I whisper a small frown gracing my lips. "Yah her eyes look a lot less sparkly and happy they have a dull look like the smiles are forced" Damian replied softly. "That's exactly right" I say shutting my phone off and putting in my bag. "Her class did that to her" dick asked shock evident in his voice. "Yes but I can't tell you anymore because it's not my story to tell" I say laying back down and drifting off to the beeps of the heart machine Mari is connected to.

The next morning

Damians p.o.v
"Okay damian you two dick make sure she dose not put pressure on her ankle"Sasha said helping Chloe get marinette and her crutches into the car. "Yah Yah sasha I promise the next person that walks in and looks like a Wayne will be a Wayne" dick jokes around as I slide in behind dick and shut the door. "We are ready to go Alfred" I say sitting down and talking to the grandfather like butler in the front. "Mari are you exited about tomorrow" I hear Chloe ask the blunette. "Uhhhh duh of course I am We are going to be going on a tour of Wayne fashion this is great for me" marinette squeals In delight. "Well I hope you'll enjoy it Miss marinette.we are here now you may exit carefully" Alfred said opening the car door. Once marinette gets out she try's to go for her crutches but I quickly swoop her up bridal style and carry her up the stairs. "Damian I can use the crutches you know" she said in a know it all voice. Maybe that's why I like her, I think to myself before awnsering her. "There are over 50 steps to just get to the main entrance it's quicker this way" I say getting to the top and handing her the crutches that dick brought up with him.;

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