Preference 81

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When their six year old asks where babies come from

His loud mouth would just immediately spout out some random things to throw your little one off as far from the truth as possible. "Some times, mommy eats something that creates the baby." Later that day your son would come up to you and tell you to be careful with what you eat, or you might get a baby in you belly. You asked Eren what he had told your son but you couldn't even keep a straight face when he tried to explain himself.

Armin had told you before how he wanted to be very upfront with your children when they asked important questions. You had agreed, as long as your child was old enough for it. But seeing that she was only six, he wasn't as upfront. "They come from mommies and daddies doing something. But this is something that you should only do if you care about someone. You will learn what that is one day, but for now, that is enough." Your daughter thought she knew enough and was satisfied with the answer.

Jean would just make up something random, like they floated in on clouds or something. "You should go see what mommy says about that. I could be very wrong." Your daughter then ran to find you in the living room, followed by her very nervous father. "Mommy, daddy told me to ask you where babies come from."

Being a man of blunt statements himself, Levi wasn't surprised when your daughter learned to do the same. The question did catch him off guard however. He then looked at you for permission. "What am I allowed to say?" You just laughed and let him figure it out. "If people love each other, then sometimes they can decide to have a baby." When she asked for more information, he shut it down with changing the subject. You could tell he was feeling awkward.

One of your friends was over, who was currently pregnant, and your daughter was admiring the woman's stomach. Your daughter looked up at Marco and dropped the question. The fluster that it sent him into was very amusing. His eyes went wide as he looked back and forth between you and your daughter. "Um, you know what, maybe we could get some food right now. I will go look in the kitchen." Of course the poor man couldn't tell his little girl just yet.

"We don't know." That was the first thing that came out of Connie's mouth. Your puzzled toddler then looked over to you. You just went along with Connie, since you could tell that he didn't want to tell her just yet. "Maybe we will find out and tell you later." It didn't take long before you had some family over and she was asking her grandparents the same question. Awkward.

"Why are you wondering that?" Bertholdt asked, holding your inquisitive six year old as they were sitting on the couch. You were preparing dinner in the kitchen listening in. "How do they get in the mommy's belly?" Your son asked. Bertholdt looked up at you but you quickly looked away, leaving him alone to answer. "Well, if a mommy really wants a baby, and they wish for it really hard, sometimes the babies just show up there." You held in a muffled laugh. That was till you hired your little boy call to you, "Mommy, you should wish for another baby. Only, this time, can you ask for a girl?"

"Why do you want to know?" He was shocked when his little boy asked him such a question. So instead of answering, Reiner just asked him questions instead. Your son explained that he had heard from one of his friends where they came from. "And what did they say?" "That babies are delivered by big birdies holding blankets." He just nodded. "Yes son, that's where they come from."

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