Making their way down the steep hill, a Snatcher pointed their wand at Ron, the boy letting out a grunt as he felt his feet be bound together with a rope, hitting the floor under him with a groan. Though, the others didn't seem to notice as they kept running.

With Harry and Sofia still together, they ducked and ran beneath fallen over trees when a Snatcher appeared from overhead, jumping right onto them from an opening. With a grunt and groan, Harry managed to push him off, grabbing at Sofia's hand and tugging her back up to continue their run.

Y/N ran next to Hermione as she spared a glance over her shoulder, catching two Snatchers coming up behind them. With a quick look to Hermione who seemed to get what she was telling her, she grasped her wand and quickly retracted it from her pocket, pointing it over her shoulder and knocked the two down flat on their backs with a crack.

Sprinting down the hillside even faster, Y/N looked to her side, eyes widening as she saw a man lunging at Hermione from the left. With a quick push causing Hermione to move forward ever so slightly and almost stumble, Y/N was able to move her before he got to her, but it didn't seem to work in her favor as she felt their bodies clash, being sent to the ground with the man on top of her.

"Y/N," Hermione yelled as she stopped, looking at the scene in front of her as she watched Y/N quickly flip the man over as he struggled to jump at her from beneath her. With hands grabbing at the man's wrist to keep him down, Y/N turned to Hermione quickly.

"Go! Now, Hermione," she ordered her frantically, losing her grip on the man as he was able to slip his wrist from her hold, planting a small scratch at her cheek as he went to grab at her. With a cringe at the feeling, she grabbed his wrist again, fighting him to the ground as she looked back to Hermione's scared expression.

"I'm not fucking kidding! Go! Now," she told her again, her voice coming out rushed and pleading as Hermione gave a quick nod and one last glance, turning around to run back down the hill. Turning back to the man under her, Y/N struggled to hold him down as she felt him try and flip them over. With a swift move, she grabbed at her wand that Ron had given her in her pocket, took it out, and pointed it at him as she quickly muttered, "Confundo."

With one final thrash against her hold, the Snatcher seemed to freeze, his face going blank as all of his movements stopped. With a quick motion, Y/N stood up quickly, turning around to join the others at the base of the hill. Looking forward as she ran, she caught Hermione and Sofia already at the bottom, Snatchers appearing from all directions.

Looking to her left, she caught sight of Harry. Now changing her direction to run beside him, the two cousins sprinted down the hill, nearing the two girls as they turned around to see them. Sharing a look with Hermione, Sofia seemed to understand what she was about to do. Giving her a nod she watched as Hermione turned away and rose her wand to Harry, hitting him with a spell and knocking him down to the ground just feet away with a grunt, then turned to do the same to Y/N.

With a groan, she hit the floor next to Harry, her back making impact as they felt their faces change. And as her head hit the floor, the voice of Voldemort called out both their names, a vision clouding their sight to see the Dark Lord hovering over a man in a cell, asking him where the Elder Wand was. And with one answer, the man known as Grindelwald answered, "Dumbledore. In the earth."

With a gasp, both sat up quickly, Y/N's eye now shut and black from Hermione's spell as Harry's was swollen along with the side of his face. Sofia and Hermione crouched down to them for a moment as the Snatchers closed in, both looking scared. "He's gonna have it—the Elder Wand—by tonight," Y/N whispered frantically to Sofia as she checked her, Hermione crouching by Harry's side.

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