The winter ball

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Time skip to the winter ball: December 1st.
(3rd person POV)
A black limo pulled up to Isabella and Ray's home. The twins walked down the stairs from their rooms to see their mother, Sarah and their little brother Thoma standing at the bottom, Sarah holding a camera.
     "You both look absolutely precious! Let me take a quick picture! Smile!" Sarah exclaimed!
    "Mom. Everyone is waiting in the limo." Ray said, walking down the rest of the staircase.
Isabella was wearing a floor length light purple dress with her hair done up in a formal bun. Ray was in an all black suit.
They all arrived at their school, Gracefield Institute where the ball was being held. Emma was in a dark blue dress that went just above her knees, Norman
in an all white suit that was the same color as his hair with a dark blue corsage that matched Emma's dress. Nat wore a tuxedo that was the same shade of red as his hair, his date, Anna's dress was tight and floor length, and the same color as Nat's tux. Gilda wore a dark green dress that went to her ankles, the same color as her eyes, her silver glasses, while Don wore a silver tux with a green corsage. Anastasia was in a poofy, floor length pink ball gown, with her hair done in a formal bun just like Isabella's. Leslie wore a black tuxedo, with a corsage not the color of Anastasia's dress, but the color of Isabella's dress. Finally Jonah was in a bright yellow suit that was almost painful to look at.
(Isabella's POV)
I climbed into the limo and saw Jonah in his awful yellow suit.
         "Good evening Isabella. You look incredibly nice." Jonah said to me, smirking creepily.
Oh god. What was Ray thinking when he said I should give this jerk a chance?! He's terrible.
        "Thank you. And you look.......interesting."
I couldn't think of a nice thing to say about his suit so I figured "interesting" was safe.
    When we arrived at the school I saw Leslie and Anastasia. Leslie looked as handsome as ever and I wished so badly that it was me on his arm and not her. As they walked in Anastasia quickly looked at me and winked at me in a condescending way. That little-
      "Shall we enter the ball m'lady?" Jonah asked while doing that stupid smirk again.
I would have rather gotten the flu then have been called that stupid nickname.
     "I guess so." I said in return, just wanting to get this over with.
(Leslie's POV)
I watched as Isabella and Jonah entered the ball. Izzy looked so beautiful in her purple dress.....then I looked down at my corsage.....and realized.....IT MATCHED IZZY'S DRESS NOT ANASTASIA'S. I must have forgotten that purple was Izzy's favorite color and not Anastasia's while picking it out...dang it.
       "Let's go say hello to Isabella and Jonah." Anastasia said to me.
Going over to see Izzy and her new boyfriend was the last thing I wanted to do.
     "Sure." I replied as we made our way over to them.
I noticed Izzy's face light up as we approached them. I missed seeing her smile.
     "Hello Isabella and Jonah." Anastasia said to them.
I could tell that she was trying to make Izzy mad.
    "Hi Leslie!" Said Isabella, completely ignoring what Anastasia had said to her.
    "Hey Izzy. You look great."
    "Thanks Les. You do too."
Then the unexpected happened.
Jonah leaned in to kiss Isabella.
I thought she would have kissed him, but instead she put her arm up to block the kiss.
      "Jonah! Please stop trying to kiss me! I don't like you like that! I like someone else!" She practically yelled at him.
He stood there in shock. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the library.

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