2 Years Earlier

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2 Years Earlier

''You can't teach in a school!'' My father slammed the desk.

I was calmly seated in the chair facing him.

'sigh' I had a feeling this would happen 

''Father. Please calm down'' I said

'' How can I be calm? MY son wants to be a teacher! I was fine with you travelling. It would grant you experience, I thought. You never told me about you wanting to be a teacher.''

I sighed loudly.

 We both stared at each other. I gave him a stare which said I wasn't backing down.

He sighed and said '' You are Zack Tyson Reagen, my son and 3rd in line to be Duke. Why would you want to be a tecaher? Anything you need can be provided. Why do you want to go to the academy and deal with brats? Did you consider that? That they're gonna be brats. How are they gonna respect you? You're their age. If you work their, rumors will spread that the Reagen's Dukedom is having financial problems. Rumors will spread. I know you hate unnecessary attention, If you join as a teacher that is exactly what you will get.''

This was true, If I was the son of an Earl or a baron or a marquess or a normal duke, there wouldn't be a problem. However the Reagen dukedom was the most powerful. We were rich and powerful. No Reagen had worked as anything other than as duke, duchess or representative of the duchy.

'' I have an idea.'' I said calmly ''Are you willing to listen. Please''

His face softened '' Go ahead''

'' It's simple. I'll just wear a mask'' I said

'' A mask?''

''mmh hmm. It will cover my lower half of the face. So, people won't be able to tell who I am. I'll tell Principal Ed to keep my identity a secret.''

''Hmm, that may work.However, I have 2 conditions. 1. If you are fired or you quit your position as a teacher for any reason whatsoever you will come straight home and do your traditional duties as a Reagen full time. 2. Even when you are teaching, you will have to still do a few minor responsibilities that don't take up much time.'' 

'' Ok. I accept your conditions. But I too need your word that you will not play any tactics to get me to quit or get me fired.''

''I didn't know my son thinks so lowly of me'' he said with a frown

'' It's not that. It's just precaution. Don't you say 'Caution before Action' ''

For the first time in my 19 years of life I saw my father smile.

'' Hmm. YOU HAVE become an intelligent young man. Though I would prefer you don't get too cocky with me. You have my word. I will not interfere with your work'' he said smiling

I smiled back and said '' I can't promise about the cocky thing but thank you.'' 

As I was about to exit he called out ''Zane...''

I looked back and saw his face, he wanted to say something, but didn't.

''.......choose a good mask'' and went back o his work.

i nodded and exited.

I walked deep in thought. Is that what he really wanted to say? How did he know I didn't like attention?

I saw my mom coming towards me in a hurry. 

''Zane, are you alright? What'd your father say? Did he shout at you?'' she asked in a frenzy while holding both my shoulders

I gently removed her hands and held them '' It's alright mom. He gave me his consent''

She looked at me wide eyed '' Really?'' 

''Yup. He just had a few conditions''

'' what conditions?'' she asked

I told her the whole story.

'' I'm happy for you but I still doubt your father'' she said with her eyebrows meeting in the middle.

'' Don't worry mom he gave me his word and if something does happen we'll figure it out then'' 

'' His word? Then there is nothing to worry about. His word is everything to him..'' she said the last part with a solemn expression

''Mom?'' I asked worried

'' Oh, forget about that. Let's have a party celebrating your new job''

''Momm..'' I said

'' Oh, keep quite boy. It will be just us 4. You, me , george and Mary.''

''Fine'' I said with a slight smile.

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