i wanna do what bunnies do with you

Start from the beginning

"Jeez, we're here, we're here. Hold on to your hat," Louis smirked as he pulled the blindfold off.

Harry adjusted his glasses, blinking a few times before realising what he was looking at. "Lou... Seriously?" he whispered. He didn't know what to say for a few seconds, his eyes just roaming over the painting. The green eyes that stared back at him were definitely his own and the pink cheeks matched the flush on his face. Biting his bottom lip, he realised he was making it as flushed as the glossy red lips on the canvas.

"I thought you should get to see what a work of art you are," Louis whispered, hugging him from behind as he pressed his lips to Harry's neck, his teeth grazing his soft skin.

"You're unbelievable," Harry shook his head in awe.

Harry looked at the painting again. Harry was no art expert and most of the time he couldn't see the difference between watercolour and oil paint, but he had to admit that this painting was beautiful. Not only because it was of him, but there was raw emotion behind every stroke of the brush, some sort of unspoken agony behind it that Harry couldn't quite put his finger on. But the fact that it was of him certainly did make it feel more special.

"Wait.. When did you paint this?" he asked curiously. "I've never seen this piece in your apartment before, that's all. Is it new?" he asked.

Louis shook his head. "No, actually.. It's the oldest piece I have of you," he admitted. "I painted this the first day I saw you. Didn't even know you back then, you were just a face in the crowd.. But there was something about you," he smiled. "I had never seen anyone being so happy about a few drops of rain falling from the sky before," he laughed. "You were euphoric about it that day. I still can't believe it."

Harry's gaze was downcast as he blushed. "I can't believe you noticed."

"I can't believe you thought I would forget," Louis chuckled.

Harry stared at him for few seconds. "You-.. You're such a sap!" he groaned, but there was nothing but fondness and affection in his voice. Louis might be a sap, but he was Harry's sap and Harry couldn't help but pull him in for a hard kiss, trying to show his gratitude in any way that he could.

"Honestly.. I can't believe you," Harry gasped against Louis' lips, his hands holding on to Louis' waist for dear life as Louis squeezed Harry's arse. "Fuck.. We're in public," he reminded him.

Louis smirked at that and bit Harry's bottom lip, tugging on it softly. "So what?" he whispered, his voice laced with mirth.

"Anyone could come in.." he moaned.

"I know a place," Louis realised, grabbing his hand as he hurried off with Harry tagging along.

"This is.. What is this?" Harry frowned as he fixed his crooked glasses, looking at the paintings on the wall that definitely looked expensive.

"It's a closed exhibit. But Zayn gave me keys to the whole floor, so," Louis shrugged. It certainly helped that his best mate worked here during the evenings and weekends. But he definitely didn't think that he would be using that for sex.

Harry eyed the expensive paintings sceptically. He didn't even want to think about how much the paintings cost or how much trouble they would get in if they broke something. "We're going to get in so much trouble for this," he laughed, shaking his head. "But we're just kissing... How much trouble can we get from kissing?" he chuckled, pulling Louis closer again.

Louis just kissed him back happily. "Just kissing, yeah.." he chuckled and Harry should have known right then that Louis would try something but he was too distracted by Louis' lovely, warm lips that seemed to make butterflies erupt in his stomach every time they kissed.

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